Twenty Nine:

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The morning sun (and the smell of bacon) wakes Jisung up in the morning. He groans, burying his face in his boyfriend's bare chest. This causes him to smile to himself, thinking of the night before. The relief his body had felt was now replaced with a massive ache in his lower back. Jisung winces but goes back to cuddling with Minho, blushing at the fact that, despite having bathed after, the two remained unclothed.

Eventually, the younger boy drifts back to sleep until Minho wakes up, kissing Jisung's head.

"I'm awake." He says, whining. This causes Minho to laugh.

"How do you feel, baby?" He asks, kissing the boy's nose.

"I hurt so bad. But I would do it all over again, even if I knew how bad it would hurt. " Jisung replies, kissing the elders neck. Minho let's him, leaning his head back slightly. The smaller boy keeps this up,  encouraged by Minho's humming.

"Is someone aiming for another go?" Minho teases.

"No!" Jisung defends too quickly.

"Oh really now?" Minho says. He pulls Jisung against him, Jisung's hard member hitting the older boy's abdomen from their position.  Minho looks into the younger's eyes teasingly. "Then what's that, kitten?" Jisung goes scarlet, only becoming more flustered by the use of the pet name.

"Y-you're one to talk..." He manages. Minho laughs.

"This is true." The two break out in laughter, returning to making out. Jisung climbs on top of the older, the blanket covering anything scandalous as he attacks his boyfriend's lips.

"Hey guys-" Comes a voice as the door opens. Felix stops dead in his tracks with a big grin.

"Lee Felix Yongbok. If you don't back up right now I swear, I will kill you." Jisung growls. Felix smiles wider.

"I'M SO PROUD OF YOU! Ahhh anyways. After y'all finish your post-sex sex, breakfast is ready!" Felix runs out of the room, closing the door.

"He really needs to learn how to knock." Minho groans, going back to kissing his boyfriend's collar bone.

"He knows how. He did that on purpose. He wanted to see if I chickened out on getting laid. Even though he also probably knew the answer to that too."

"Well." Minho says, continuing his kisses "I can say that you didn't. Because you really didn't." Jisung giggles now. "We should probably go downstairs." Minho adds, causing Jisung to pout. 

"He said after we're finished." Minho looks at him with a playful glare.

"We can finish this after breakfast. I'm hungry." He says sternly.

"Fineee." Jisung puts on his boxers and Minho's hoodie while Minho dawns sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. Minho picks the boy up lightly, as he's sore, and carries him down the stairs.

A large applause greets them in the kitchen as their friends cheer for them. The two boys roll their eyes, Jisung going scarlet. Minho kisses his cheek, sitting him down next to his friends to eat the breakfast that Chan and Jeongin co-made.

"Shut up." Jisung mumbles at them, enjoying his food. 

After breakfast, the boys decide to help Jisung and Minho with their dance practice, wanting to see the choreo for their upcoming project. More like for Jisung's partner project that he got permission to do with Minho. Everyone gathers in the living room, debating in between each other what song the boy's should perform. 

"Guys!" Jisung interjects with a laugh. "We have songs picked out already." The bickering stops instantly, all of the boys look at their friend expectantly. 

"So I have two dances I have to perform, and then Minho hyung has a rap project that we are putting dancing to as well." The boy explains, beaming at the boy next to him. Felix snickers, leaning over to Jisung to whisper.

"Are you sure you can dance after last night?"

"Shut the fuck up, Yongbok." Felix instantly quiets, not wanting to face the wrath of his best friend. He does remain smirking, however, interested in seeing Jisung attempt to dance. Minho connects his phone to a speaker (graciously provided by Hyunjin) and pulls up the first song. "This first song is supposed to showcase the good in people, which is why I was able to get Min to dance and sing with me."

Fairly Local by Twenty-One Pilots comes on and Jisung starts singing, dancing alone until the part right before the second verse, where Minho enters, dancing with him. The boys finish with big smiles. Their friends clap and cheer even though they're just practicing. Jisung laughs and bows, his boyfriend following suit.

"What's the next one?" Seungmin asks, eager to watch. Jisung giggles, excited about the second song.

"Ping Pong!" He answers, Minho starting the music. After the dance is over, the two are breathing heavily. 

"One more." Minho encourages the younger. 

"I made Minho hyung tackle an English rap that's slow because I had ideas for the choreo." Jisung admits with a shy smile. Parents by YUNGBLOOD comes on and everyone cheers for Minho as he raps flawlessly. 

"That was probably the best you've rapped yet, hyung." Changbin praises.

"Thanks, I had a good teacher." Minho says, smiling. Once the excitement dies down, the boys all decide to lay around and watch movies, proclaiming that they'll go hiking and be active tomorrow. Minho is talking with Felix about his cats when Jisung comes up and holds Minho's hand.

"If I could borrow him for a moment, Lixie." Jisung says, pulling the older away. He drags the boy into the bathroom with him, closing the door and immediately attacking the boys lips. Taken off guard, Minho stumbles backwards, quickly catching himself and kissing the boy back. They make out for a minute before Jisung pulls away, panting. 

"Damn, Ji."

"We didn't finish this morning and you were so fucking sexy while you were dancing, sorry."  The younger boy says, embarrassed. Minho chuckles, going in to kiss the boy's neck.

"Don't apologize, love. I'll make up for it later, okay?" Jisung nods frantically. "But for now..." Minho starts, picking the boy up and sitting him on the counter, kissing him again and therefore restarting their make out session. This goes on until a knock sounds on the door.

"Felix, I swear to fucking god-" Jisung starts, yanking the door open. "I, sorry hyung!" He apologizes frantically upon seeing Chan in the doorway. The oldest boy chuckles, ruffling Jisung's hair.

"The boys wanted me to tell you that they're hungry."

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