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Changbin and Felix drive in silence, the older with his eyes on the road. The younger, growing tired of the silence, turns to look at the older boy.

"Where are we goinggg hyunggg~" Felix asks, grinning at his date. Changbin chuckles.

"I can't tell you yet, Lix." He responds.

"But you have to tell me something!! This silence is killing meee." The younger whines.

The older smiles. "Okay, what do you want to know?" He asks.

"How long until we get there?" He asks slyly.

"Well, the- wait. You sly thing." Felix giggles as Changbin catches himself.

"I was so closeeee." Felix giggles.

"Just a few more minutes." The older replies with a chuckle.

After a few minutes, Changbin pulls into a parking garage. They park and he pulls Felix into a giant art museum. Felix's jaw drops.

"Binnie... oh my god..." He starts, falling speechless. Changbin buys tickets and then smiles at the younger.

"Lead the way." He says. Felix takes his hand and drags him around, going from artwork to artwork, gushing about them and asking the older about his thoughts. After a while, Felix goes to look at something again so he can write down the artist.

"Come here, Lix." Changbin says. The younger walks over excitedly.


"Do you like it?" He asks shyly.

"Of course I do, Binnie! All of the art here is absolutely beautiful!" Felix gushes.

"May I show you my favourite artwork here?" Changbin asks.

"Yes!!!!" Felix responds excitedly. Changbin walks over and covers the youngers eyes with his hands, leading him over to something.

"Are your eyes closed?" He makes sure.


"Open them when I tell you, okay?" The younger nods in agreement. The older removes his hands from the other boy's closed eyes. He steps aside so Felix can have a better view. "Okay, baby." He says, causing Felix to blush at the nickname.

He opens his eyes and looks at what's in front of him with a blush. In front of him is a mirror.


"You." Changbin cuts him off. "You are the most beautiful work of art that's here... that will ever be here." Felix starts to cry a little and Changbin leans in, kissing the younger's tears off his cheeks.

"Why are you so sweet." Felix whispers.

"I must just have a sweet spot for you." Changbin says with a grin. "Felix, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes! Yes yes yes!" Felix half screams, hugging the other tight.

"You're so fucking beautiful."

The younger boy blushes and the two hold hands the rest of the way through the exibits. After seeing everything, they leave, listening to the radio on the way home.


"Yes, baby?"

"May we get snacks on the way home? I know the others might be hungry. They have bottomless stomachs." Felix giggles.

"Of course." Changbin responds.

"Also... I like when you call me that."

"Call you what, baby?" The older asks.

"What you just did... Baby." He says, getting out of the car at the store. They pick out snacks and walk to the front of the store to unload them. The lady smiles at them, bagging their groceries and bidding them a good night. As they put the snacks in the car, Changbin kisses the younger's cheek.

As they pull into the driveway, Felix smiles happily. The two boys go downstairs, relieved that they're not the last there.

"Just waiting on Minsung, I see." Changbin says.

"Yep." Felix says, kissing his boyfriend's cheek and sitting on the couch.



Minho pushes Jisung's wheelchair through the doors to the theatre. Jisung excitedly picks a movie, the smile on the youngers face sending a wave of happiness through the older. Seeing the younger smile after all he's been through, gives Minho some hope, as if he will be able to bring the boy back from the darkness of his past. Once they pick out snacks, the two get seats in the theatre, Minho sitting in a seat right next to the wheelchair space. Neither boy says much throughout the movie but instead, hold hands in a comforting manner. Once the movie comes to an end, they leave the cinema silently. 

"Thank you Min." Jisung says. "That was a really nice date." Minho just smiles at the younger. 

"It's not quite over, Sungie." He remarks, earning a confused look from the squirrel boy. Once Minho gets Jisung situated in the car, and the wheelchair in the back, he starts driving. 

"Guess what." Jisung says out of nowhere.

"What's that?" Minho responds curiously. 

"I used to find you scary. Hot, but scary." Jisung confesses, laughing softly as to not hurt his ribs. This causes Minho to chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Sungie. I didn't mean to frighten you. I just needed to keep a certain façade. I apologize for how I hurt your feelings when we first met. I'm glad you didn't decide to pretend I didn't exist," Minho replies sincerely, holding the younger's hand.

"Well, to be fair, I didn't have much of a choice. We are desk partners." Jisung points out. 

"And thank God, too." Minho blurts. The two chat while Minho drives, and they jam out to music playing off Bluetooth.  Suddenly, Minho turns to Jisung. "Eyes closed, beautiful." He says, causing Jisung to blush cutely and cover his eyes, also closing them. Minho parks and takes Jisung out of the car, putting him into his wheelchair and rolling him for a few minutes before taking the younger boy's hands away. Before opening his eyes, Jisung makes out the sound of waves and the smell of salt.

"Wowwww. It's beautiful Min." Jisung gushes, taking in every detail of the gorgeous sunset and red sun in front of them. The ocean waves crash against the shore softly as the two boys sit and watch the sun go down. 

"Not as beautiful as you." He replies, kissing Jisung's hand. 

"I love you." Jisung says

"I love you too." 

After the sun sets completely, the two boys drive back to Felix's house. Minho carries Jisung down the stairs, noticing everyone else is there already. He sits the small boy onto the couch, pecking his cheek, and then returning upstairs to retrieve the wheelchair. When he returns, he sits next to Jisung as the rest of the group decides on what they want to do. First they decide to talk about how everything went, and once they're done, they decide upon playing Cards Against Humanity

It's going to be a fun night. Minho thinks to himself as he plays the first round and, unsurprisingly, wins.

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