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The sound of running waterfalls is like a healing melody to Jisung's ears. The squeals of his best friend being thrown into the water, however, is not. Everyone is cracking up as Hyunjin stands victoriously near the edge of the pool of water, only to be dragged in himself when Felix grabs his ankle. Seungmin rolls his eyes as his boyfriend goes under the water, while Changbin cheers on his. Jeongin and Seungmin decide to join the two in the water, splashing around and having fun.

"Jisungie hyung, come swim with us!" Jeongin calls, knowing that the older boy likes the water. Jisung racks his brain for excuses.

"I don't want to get my shirt wet, Innie."

"Just take it off, Sung." Felix yells with a smirk. Jisung goes red, shooting the young aussie a glare.

"Yeah Jisungie hyung!! Pleaseee!" Jeongin whines.

"Innie-" Chan starts, Jisung cutting him off.

"It's okay hyung. It's not like nobody knows at this point." Jisung takes his shirt off, Minho admiring the youngers toned body which is absolutely covered in hickeys and love bites. 

"Jesus, Minho hyung." Hyunjin laughs. Jisung blushes again, going to get into the water. Minho pulls his shirt off quickly, revealing his equally as bruised chest, and picks his boyfriend up. He kisses his cheek before tossing the younger boy out into the water. Minho laughs heartily as his boyfriend squeals, going under. Jisung immerges, splashing water at Minho, causing the older to jump in. Giving up on staying dry, Changbin and Chan jump into the water with the rest of the boys.

The splashing and laughing increases and as does the volume of the noise. To any passerby, it would seem like teenage shenanigans. However, to the boys, the ruckus they're causing is mild (and also a blast). Jisung finishes splashing Felix for his smirk earlier, turning around with a laugh and coming into contact with his boyfriend's chest. He smiles up at him, pecking his lips happily. "I love you." He says randomly, leaving Minho a bit taken aback by the quick movements of the younger boy. 

"I love you too!" He shouts after the boy, who has joined Felix and Hyunjin in checking behind the waterfall to see if there's a cave. Minho chuckles to himself as he sits on a rock at the edge of the pool, talking to Jeongin.

Meanwhile, the three boys are behind the waterfall.

"Holy shit, there's actually a cave back here... and it's fucking gorgeous." Felix exclaims. In front of their eyes is a large rock cave with no ceiling, allowing for sunlight (and a good view of the stars at night). On the left side of the cave, there are rocks that form a giant bench, while on the right side is another pool, which connects to the outside pool through the waterfall. Jisung stares in awe at the finding. Hyunjin goes over to the pool, jumping in. 

"We should swim out through the pool." He says "Ji, come onnnn." He adds after Felix joins him. The boy smiles and joins the other two, swimming through the waterfall. 

"We found a cave, Binnie!" Felix exclaims excitedly. 

"Oh? Did you now?" The older asks with an eyebrow raised. The three boys nod excitedly, dragging their friends / boyfriends to come see the cave. After showing them - and making sure that they were impressed - the eight decide to finish their hiking trail in their wet clothes, making sure to rush home (AKA Minho's house). 

Jisung and Minho run up to their room, claiming that bathroom. This leaves Jeongin and Chan with the downstairs bathroom, Hyunjin and Seungmin take the bathroom in what would have been Jisung's room, and Felix and Changbin take the guest bathroom. 

"Ahh" Jisung let's out a content sigh as he stands underneath the warm water, smiling when Minho's arms wrap around his waist and his head rests on his shoulder. "Are you sleepy, babe?" Jisung asks, earning a soft nod from the older. The squirrel boy smiles and turns around, connecting their lips gently before turning his boyfriend to stand under the water, facing away from him. Minho begins to protest before feeling Jisung start to wash his hair. He hums happily, leaning into the touch.

"Ji." The older says with his eyes closed.

"Yes, my love?" Jisung asks with an adoring smile, finishing washing the rest of the boy in front of him.

"You're such a sweetheart." Jisung giggles and Minho kisses his nose, rinsing and conditioning his hair, then stepping out of the shower to brush his teeth and comb his hair. Jisung quickly washes so he can join his boyfriend, eager to cuddle the older boy to sleep. When he gets out, Minho is already facedown on the bed, not wanting to move. Jisung laughs at the sleepy boy, moving so that he can hold him in his arms. 

He strokes the older boy's hair until he hears his soft snores and the steady rise and fall of his chest. Smiling to himself, he kisses the boy's head and closes his eyes, thinking to himself.

What would have happened if he had succumbed to his friends pleas to join the same art class as them? Would his path have eventually crossed with Minho's? Or would he have been dead by now due to either his parents or his own mind?

"Thank you for saving me, Lee Minho." He mutters before falling asleep.


The boys downstairs rummaged through the pantry to find something to eat before deciding to hit the hay.

Felix, who is half asleep, is startled by the phone ringing. Groggy, he answers it.

"Lee residence, may I ask who's calling?"

"Hello, this is Kim Jihoon. I'm calling from my firm to speak to a Mr. Han Jisung?"

"Mr. Han is currently unavailable, may I take a message?" Felix asks, confused.

"Of course. Tell him that his Grandmother has decided to proceed with the court case, given that Mr. Han will not cooperate with her."

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