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"Have I taken shrooms or is Han Jisung, OUR Han Jisung walking through the lunch line with Lee Minho?" Seungmin says, smacking Felix on the shoulder.

"Oww." The older answers, looking over. "Well shit. If you took shrooms, I must have as well." Jeongin laughs at them. 

"Guess Jisung is trying Changbin hyung's idea." He adds. Jisung sits down, a small smile on his face, happy enough to eat without realizing. His friends smile at him. 

"What?" Jisung asks, noticing all of them staring. 

"Nothinggg. Just noticed a certain squirrel walking with a dangerous cat." Jisung blushed at Felix's comment.

"Hush up, Felix. I'm being cautious. Plus, I think I might be able to break his cold exterior. He lets it down a little when  I talk to him... or when I did this time. I dunno. I think I can get to him. Plus... he's interesting... and cute..." 

"OOOOOOH Tea!" Felix teases, causing Jisung to slap Felix in the arm.

The next day, Jisung sat next to Minho with a huff, causing Minho to curiously raise his eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" He asks, against his normal act.

"My partner for dance broke her ankle. Now, I have nobody to practice with." Minho's ears perked up at the word 'dance'. 

"Uh, which choreo is it? I've taken all the classes." Minho says casually. Jisung tells him the song.

"Jesus, you got the hard one."

"Yeah, which makes sense. I'm more of a rapper than a dancer anyways." Jisung groans. 

"You rap??" Minho asks, shocked. Jisung nods. 

"This is gonna sound crazy... but I have an idea." Jisung looks curiously at the elder. 

"Shoot." He tells him.

"I took that class, so I can teach you the dance... and maybe you could read a rap I have to write for my music class, and maybe give me pointers? Unless you don't write rap, then you could just tell me how it sounds so far?" Jisung smiles.

"I do write it. That sounds like a plan. When?" Minho thinks.

"How about after school today?" Jisung agrees. "Room 237." 

"Sounds like a good idea. I'll see you later!" Jisung runs off as the bell rings, ready to tell his friends. As soon as he sees his group, he runs up whisper screaming "GUESS WHATTT?!" When he tells them, they exchange grins. 

"Be careful though, we still don't know why he's helping you."

"He's a nice human being, Minnie." Jisung counters, causing Seungmin to laugh. 

"Just be careful, Ji." 

"I will, mom." Seungmin laughs and turns to Felix. 

"How's it going with Changbin?" Felix blushes.

"Really good, actually. We've been talking a lot. He's super funny, and interesting, and cute. I really like him guys." Felix gushes. Seungmin's eyes get a little wider.

"Well, don't look now, but he and his friends are coming over here." Instinctively, Felix whips around, seeing it's true, blushes and spins around again, hiding his face 


"I told you not to look." Is all Seungmin says before Changbin reaches the table, followed by Minho and Hyunjin. Out of the corner of his eye, Jisung sees Seungmin blush a little when Hyunjin stands close to him. He focuses his eyes on Changbin, who stands in front of Felix. 

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