Thirty Nine:

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The car speeds higher and higher into the mountain, and Jisung enjoys watching the houses pass by.

"Alright, love." Minho says finally, pulling his car into a small parking lot and parking the car next to Chan's. They get out and Minho locks the door, adjusting his suit jacket and grabbing Jisung's hand, walking over to a walking trail.

Jisung remembers this place vaguely, and as they approach the swimming hole, he squeals. "You guys are geniuses!" Minho laughs.

"I try." The swimming hole has tiki torches all around it, illuminating the area. A folding table of snacks has been set up and a giant cooler rests underneath. "Felix brought you some swim trunks, babe." Minho says happily. Felix hands them to Jisung and he Thanks him. The boy's drink, albeit limited since they're in the woods and need to get home, and eat food while chatting.

"KARAOKE!" Jeongin randomly screams, excited. He and Seungmin start belting out a song, everyone slowly joining. Jisung takes this time to go behind a tree and change, coming out and jumping into the water, making Felix cheer and pester Changbin to take his shirt off, having already changed his shorts earlier. His boyfriend obliges and then they're all swimming again, giggling and splashing and having fun. Jisung pulls Minho to the cave suddenly, and Minho follows, giving a thumbs up to Chan.

"It's pretty in here, right hyung?" Jisung asks as the moon shines down on them. Minho smiles and nods as they sit on the rocks.

"Not as beautiful as you." He says, moving a piece of wet hair out of Jisung's eye. The moonlight hits the younger's face just perfectly and Minho leans down, capturing his lips with his own.

As everyone enters the cave, Minho stands them up, motioning for Jisung not to move. He walks to Chan, taking something from him and putting it in his pocket. Then, he walks over to Jisung as the boy's arrange themselves like and audience.

"W-what's going on?" Jisung asks, looking towards his friends for help. They just smile at him. Minho captures his attention by kissing his cheek.

"This place holds a lot of meaning to me. And to be here with you all... makes it even more special of a place. Ji, I wanted to be proper about this. Dress up, take you to dinner, be a true gentleman. But... this... us." He motions towards their surroundings and friends. "Is more our scene. I know the swim trunks and naked upper bodies aren't ideal for this type of thing but- oh shit, I'm rambling." Everyone starts to laugh.

Minho takes a deep breath. "Han Jisung. You mean more than me than words could possibly express. I am irrevocably in love with you, in the best possible way. I know we are still so young, but I never want to let you go. The moon looks so beautiful tonight, and so do you. I just can't take it anymore. I want to cherish you for the rest of my life." He gets down on one knee, taking a box out of his pocket. He opens it towards Jisung, who's crying. The boy is stating into Minho's eyes, not even sparing a glance at the ring in front of him.

"It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do... hey baby.... I think I wanna marry you." Come the vocals of their friends, causing Jisung to cry harder.

"Hannie... will you marry me?" Jisung jumps into Minho's arms, bawling his eyes out and slams their lips together.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes." He cries, kissing Minho again and again and again. When they separate, Minho smiles widely, sliding the ring onto Jisung's finger, earning a loud cheer. Minho kisses him one last time.

"Hello there, fiancé." Jisung giggles loudly.

"Hello to you too, fiancé."

They all exit the cave, returning to their food and drinks. They spend a few more hours talking and laughing after everyone congratulated them. Then, they all pack up and take everything down, blowing out the tiki torches, leaving them there.

"Won't whoever owns this land be pretty pissed?" Jeongin wonders out loud.

"Well, considering that's me, no." Minho laughs. Meanwhile, Jisung is hitting Felix for keeping secrets from him and Seungmin is enjoying the show.

They all get to the parking lot, getting into their cars and following Minho home. Only Jisung and Minho get out, having all decided to stay at Felix's, just like the first time they all hung out. Once they get inside, confetti goes everywhere.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!" Yell Minho's parents as they look at the newly engaged couple.

"Thank you!" Jisung says with a giant smile as they hug him. They go and grab their clothes, quickly hanging up their art projects on the wall. Saying goodbye to the kittens, they rush out to the car and drive to Lix's house, where another round of congratulations awaits them.

In the basement, the boy's are all cuddled up on the giant sofa once again.

"I just want you all to know." Jisung starts. "That I couldn't ask for better friends. You all have turned my life around, quite literally. I love you all to death. Not to be sappy or anything." They all laugh at the ending and add their agreements. For old times sake, they put on a Disney movie and pretend to watch, everyone already too close to falling asleep.

Jisung looks at Minho with a sleepy smile, causing him to kiss his cheek. The two cuddle up, Minho stroking his boyfriend's hair softly as the two fall closer and closer to sleep. As the movie ends and the room goes dark, Jisung feels completely at peace. Finally, he feels happy and free, like all he's been through is worth something.

He kisses Minho's forehead lightly and then nuzzles into his chest. As sleep finally threatens to take him away, Jisung whispers one last thing into his neck.


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