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Chan has all the boys, minus Minho and Jisung, sitting in Felix's man cave. Jisung had given him permission to tell the rest about everything. Of course, they knew, but Chan felt the need for everyone to be reminded so that they react appropriately once Jisung arrives. It hurts Chan's heart to talk about the loss of Jisung's mother, due to the fact that Jisung and him were neighbors when they were kids, and he knows how sweet of a woman she used to be before her husband intervened.

"So please," he concludes "Please don't bombard the boy with questions and don't talk about Jae. Let him come to us."

A few minutes later, the door to the basement opens, and Minho walks down, a sleeping Jisung koala hugging his front.

"Baby" Minho whispers, setting the bags down. "Want to cuddle up on the couch while I go get the rest of the stuff?" Jisung nods sleepily, Minho putting him down. He sees everyone and smiles weakly, immediately seeing Chan walk over to him, before burying his face in his chest and crying again. Minho looks at him softly and Chan gives him a reassuring nod that Jisung will be safe while he's gone.

Chan brings the small boy to the giant sofa, letting him cuddle up to Felix and they all lay there, comforting him. After an hour, Jisung starts getting fidgety.

"W-where's Min... it shouldn't have taken this long." Chan hugs him reassuringly "I'm sure he'll be back soon." Ten minutes later, Minho walks down into the basement, tired. He walks over to the sofa, claiming his place behind the boy he loves, in order to cuddle him. Jisung immediately cuddles into his chest, knowing the scent of the older.

"Goodnight, baby." Minho says, kissing the top of the boy's head. He looks around to see Changlix and Seungjin passed out. Jeongin is nowhere to be seen. "Where's Innie?" Minho asks.

"He went to take a shower before bed since he didn't have time earlier." Jeongin enters the room in shorts, a towel covering his chest as he blushes.

"I forgot to take a shirt in..." he blushes harder. Chan immediately gets up, pulling off his hoodie and handing it to the younger, who turns into a tomato as he accepts it. He disappears to put it on, returning then, back to normal. He walks to lay by Seungmin but Chan whisper calls to him.

"Hey, Innie. Come lay with me?" Jeongin smiles cutely, laying down next to the older.

"Hey Chan?"


"Cuddle into me?" He asks, blushing. "I-i mean because maybe having human contact will help you sleep better." Chan laughs.

"You're cute." He comments, laying his head on Jeongin's chest, the younger petting his hair. Suprisingly, he falls asleep in no time.


Jisung drifts into conciousness, recognizing the feeling of warmth. His face is pressed against something solid, ane when he breathes in, he can pick up Minho's scent. He smiles to himself, cuddling into the older. The older boy's arms instinctively hold him more protectively.

"Ji... no..." Jisung hears Minho whisper. He looks up at the boy to respond but sees his eyes are still closed. "Please... no... Ji..." The older starts to cry, shaking.

"Min." Jisung says, shaking him. Minho doesn't respond, continuing to sob violently. Some of the boys wake up, alarmed and confused. After a little bit of Jisung trying to wake him, everyone's up. "MINNIE...WAKE UP." He says loudly, shaking him hard. This has no effect and the other boy cries harder. Finally, Jisung starts crying at the sight of the boy he loves in so much pain. He leans down and connects their lips softly. This calms Minho down enough to wake up.

"H-hey." He says when Jisung pulls away. He wipes his tears. "What happened?" He asks finally, noticing everyone looking at him. Jisung just pulls him into his chest, kissing his forehead.

"Just a bad dream, it's all okay now. I'm here." Jisung reassures.

"Oh, sorry guys." Minho says to the rest of the guys, who are worried for their usually calm and solemn friend. They tell him it's okay and that they're glad he's alright before going back to sleep. Jisung kisses Minho's forehead, encouraging the boy to sleep some more. Minho smiles and does so, snuggling into the younger.

Jisung lays there, comforting the boy while he sleeps, running his one hand through his hair, while the other hand rests on the boy's back, occasionally tracing circles on it with his thumb. They stay like that for another hour or  so.

Chan is the first to wake up, seeing how Jisung is holding Minho and smiling. Not long after, Seunmin and Hyunjin wake up. Hyunjin goes to his phone to snap a picture. He cringes when the photo takes and the flash is on. Thankfully, the light doesn't wake either boy. However, it does wake Jeongin, who glares daggers at his hyung for blinding him.

"Jinnie hyung, I will actually kill you." He whispers, making Hyunjin giggle with a mumbled apology. Chan and Seungmin try keeping their laughter in, which causes Changbin to wake up from the sound. He gives everyone a questioning look as he sits up, while his date whines and wakes up from the sudden lack of warmth.  Hyunjin shows everyone the photo, causing Felix to fist bump him.

"That's gold, hyung. Keep it forever."

"I also have one from last night, but I took it on Seungminnie's phone cuz mine was dead." Hyunjin states, taking Seungmin's phone and showing the boys the photo of Minho holding Jisung in his arms, Jisung pressing himself as close to Minho as possible. Minho has his arms wrapped around Jisung's waist, while Jisung has his hands on the older's chest, one hand slipped under his shirt.

"That one is gold tooooo." Felix says, encouraging the boy to send him both photos. They all sit on the couch still, on their phones until Minho slowly wakes up, Jisung waking up as Minho moves.

"Morning." Jisung says, smiling at everyone.

"Goood morning." Everyone echos. Jisung whispers something into Felix's ear, causing the boy to go wide eyed.

"Innie, Minnie. My room. Now." Felix squeals, picking Jisung up to carry him up the steps.

"Why?" Seungmin asks.

"WE HAVE DATES TO PREPARE FOR!" Felix squeals, dragging Jisung up the stairs. Jisung blushing and smiling at Minho, who blows him a kiss in return. They run up the staircase, giggling. The other two follow, Hyunjin whispering something into his boyfriend's ear before sending him to join his friends. Jeongin waits for Seungmin to come to the stairs before running up them to help their friends get ready for their dates.

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