Thirty Three:

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"Alright class, only a few weeks left in class. If you haven't finished your project, you might want to get on that. I'm giving you this whole class period to work on it, so let's get to it!"

Jisung jumps from his seat to get his materials and moving his chair so that Minho can't see his project. Minho does the same and the two work in silence. Jisung smiles to himself, happy about how his is turning out. He hopes his boyfriend will share his sentiments once he's allowed to see it. He steals glances towards the boy every once in a while, just admiring the look of concentration on his face as he paints. Jisung looks at him lovingly, and eventually the older boy notices him, giving a rare, shy smile. The younger giggles at this and turns back to his work. 

On the other side, Minho is panicking. What if Jisung doesn't like the painting he made? Even worse... what if he never gets to show him? The upcoming trial has Minho absolutely terrified. He is so afraid to lose the boy he loves, and he knows that whatever happens, the trial is like the final verdict. He can't lose him. In an attempt to block out his thoughts, he continues on his work. 

While Jisung had gotten his inspiration for his project early on, Minho had taken longer to figure out what to paint. This hasn't stopped him from catching up in progress. 

The teacher calls out the five minute warning quicker than the boy's would have liked. Hand in hand, they walk to meet their friends at lunch. Conversation is tense, and Jisung immediately recognizes it when Seungmin sits in between him and Felix, instead of sitting with Hyunjin. Jisung looks at him questioningly as Hyunjin sits in between Minho and Jeongin. Seungmin shakes his head and stares at his food.

Hyunjin, on the other hand, is just sitting with his head on the table, his arms crossed underneath his head. Everyone shares a look. 

"Hey, Minnie, Jeongin, Felix, and I were thinking that we should all hang out together at Lixie's tonight. The hyungs have plans tonight."

"Oh. Do they? Sure, I guess." Seungmin responds dully. He sniffles and tries to hold back a sob in front of his friends. 

"Yeah, we do. Right, Changbin? Us three are meeting up with Chan." Minho says, placing his hand on Hyunjin's shoulder. Changbin nods in agreement, eating his food. Jisung leans over, whispering something to Minho. "Hey, Seungmin, would you help me with my vocals for a class? We have 45 minutes until the next class." Minho asks, and Jisung is so glad that Minho actually has a project he needs help with. 

"Oh, sure hyung. Are you sure you don't want Jeongin's help? He's a vocal major too." Minho nods. 

"You're more likely to bluntly tell me if I suck." Minho says, causing Seungmin to actually laugh.

 Once they leave, Jisung jumps up, grabbing Hyunjin's hand and pulling him out of the cafeteria, mouthing "see you later" to his friends. Hyunjin follows him confused, until they reach a dance room. 

"Uh.. Ji, why did you bring-" He starts, until Jisung pulls him into a hug. He hesitates but hugs back, letting out a sob. Jisung pets his hair as they lower onto the floor, Jisung sitting upright while holding Hyunjin, who's sobbing into his chest. 

"It's okay Jinnie, you can cry. Why don't you tell me what happened?" Jisung soothes. 

"Wh-why? You're Minnie's friend, and you'll hate me."

"No. I might be Minnie's friend, but you're obviously hurting too, and I think we are friends now too." Hyunjin sniffles, hugging the smaller boy again. Jisung continues playing with his hair until he speaks up.

"So it started with my parents. They're cool people, but they don't like the fact that I'm dating a boy. They've never spoken out against it, but I know. And so, I decided to get an apartment. I... I asked Minnie if he'd want to come live with me. I- I didn't mean to pressure him, I even told him that. He doesn't have to, and he can say no. But... he got angry at me. He said he couldn't handle being with my "annoying, over-dramatic ass" all the time."

"Oh, Jinnie..."

"I... I started crying. I didn't mean to, but those words hurt. He started going off about how I'm too much to handle... and then started yelling that I'm just being dramatic by crying. I don't know where all of this came from, but I didn't mean to, Ji... I didn't mean to. Was I just asking too soon? Is that why he's mad? I can't lose him..." 

"No, I don't think you were. His outbursts usually have nothing to do with anything that makes sense. Seungmin has a habit of bottling things up until he blows. Chances are he's stressed about something he doesn't talk about and then when you mentioned moving, which does have it's own stresses, made him blow up and say shit he doesn't mean. What did you say when he blew up at you?"

"I... I said "I'm sorry I'm such a burden to you. Maybe you'll be happier with someone else." and then I left. I was hurt... but I didn't mean it."

"I know, and he knows it to. I know he does." Jisung's phone goes off with Minho's contact and a text.

Seungmin explained everything. He didn't mean to blow up at Hyunjin and wants to apologize because he loves him. Plan is a go.

Jisung smiles. "Go with Min and Changbin tonight after school. Leave this to us, okay?" Hyunjin nods and the two hug again. "We can lay here for another 20 minutes and then we have class." He says, laying down and holding the other in his arms.

"Thank you Jisung, I'm glad you're my friend."

"Of course, Jinnie."

After the bell rings, Jisung squeezes Hyunjin one more time and then helps him up, walking him to class. He then goes to join his friends in class, kissing Minho on the way as they pass each other. They stop quickly to chat.

"How's Minnie?"

"How's Jinnie?" They say at the same time. 

"Jinnie is hurting. They both said shit they don't mean, I know that. But he's super hurt by Minnie's words." Minho nods.

"Seungmin feels like shit. He didn't mean any of it. On the contrary, he meant the opposite." Jisung nods as well.

"Thanks, love. I'll see you at home later, yeah?" They kiss again and part ways. Jisung enters his class and wraps his arms around his friend, letting him cry into his chest. 

"I love him, Sungie... I don't want to lose him... I love him so so much."

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