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Jisung's nerves get the best of him as Minho pulls the car into a parking spot at the school. The older boy notices this and grabs Jisung's hand, giving it a little kiss.

"You're okay, baby."

"What if people make fun of me?" He manages as a whisper.

"Then they'll have to deal with me." Minho says protectively. Jisung smiles, ready to go. Minho gets out of the car, unfolding the wheelchair and then carrying Jisung from the car to the seat. He then places his backpack in his arms and locks the car, wheeling his boyfriend into the school. The two boys find their friends in their usual hang out spot, and everyone greets Jisung happily. 

"Glad you're back Jisungie hyung!" Jeongin says happily.

"Me too, Innie!" He replies. He hugs everyone and they all chat until the first bell. Minho kisses him goodbye quickly before heading off to his first period.
Jisung feels his friends glaring holes in his head, a goofy smile on each of their friends.

"Sooooo... does that kiss mean you're official?" Felix prods, rolling Jisung down the hallway. The boy blushes while nodding, causing a chorus of cheers from his friends.

"I'm really happy for you, hyung! See you at lunch!" Jeongin remarks as he departs from his friends at his classroom, leaving Jisung with the other two crack heads.

As soon as Seungmin nudges Felix, signifying that they are far enough away from Jeongin's innocent ears, Felix laughs. Jisung responds with a questioning look at the two who are behind him as Felix pushes him.

"Aight Ji... did you get any?" Jisung looks at him, astonished.


"Is that a yes?" Pipes up Seungmin.

"N-no... I mean... kinda..." Jisung says, embarrassed.

"What signifies "kinda"?" Felix prods as they reach their classroom. They move a chair out of the way so that Jisung can sit comfortably in his wheelchair. 

"We kinda.. made out...." Jisung says shyly.

"That's not getting any." Seungmin argues.

"And then we sucked each other off." Jisung mutters, red filling his cheeks. Felix claps.

"I'm so proud of you!" He yells, causing Jisung to blush, embarrassed. "Wait, he didn't force you to, did he?"

Jisung shakes his head no. "He was very nice and gentle and respectful, and didn't want to go too far because he was afraid of hurting me and my ribs." Jisung explains.

"Good, because I'm not afraid to stab a bitch if he dares hurt my friend." Seungmin adds, protectively. Jisung giggles, reaching over to pat his friend's shoulders. The teacher walks in, telling the class to settle down and that the lesson is starting. The boys spend the lecture silently as the teacher went over exam review.

"Mr. Han, a moment?" Ms. Kim says as the class is dismissed. Felix rolls him up to the desk and she looks at him and Seungmin as if they're going to leave.

"They can be here." Jisung says softly. She nods.

"I know you have the materials, but if you need more time before the test, I can give it to you.

"I appreciate it, but no thank you. My boy- someone explained the lessons to me, so I'm ready for it."

"Okay, just wanted to make sure."

"Thank you anyways Ms." Jisung says, tapping Felix to leave. As they start to leave, Ms. Kim interjects.

"Mr. Han" Jisung turns his head around and Felix pauses.

"I'm sorry. About your parents. If you ever need anything, I'm here."

"Thank you." He says with a warm smile. Felix rolls him to the elevator and they go upstairs to math.

"I'm just saying, one of the perks of being friends with the crippled kid is the elevator." Felix laughs as they take their seats. Jisung and Seungmin exchange a glance of fake annoyance and then laugh with the blonde boy.

The boys spend the next few classes paying attention (unlike normal) since Jisung needs to catch up more. Sooner than he realizes, it's time for art. He smiles brightly as Seungmin, who has taken turns with Felix, rolls him up to trade with Minho.

"Hey baby! How's your day so far? How do you feel?"

"Hi Minnie!" He responds with a blush. "It's been good so far, I can feel the meds wearing off so I need to make sure to take them at lunch!" He responds. The older boy nods, leaning down and kissing his boyfriend sweetly. The other blushes madly.

"Y-you're okay with people knowing?" Jisung asks with wide eyes.

"That Han Jisung is the weakness of Lee Minho? Yes." Minho responds confidently. He then realizes they're in public and panics. "Oh God baby... I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to out you."

"No! Love, you're okay! I just didn't want to if you weren't comfortable. I want everyone to know I'm yours and you're mine." Jisung responds with a giant smile. He pulls the older boy down and kisses him again.

"I love you. Now, let's get to class."

"I love you too!"

Minho pushes his adorable boyfriend the rest of the way to the classroom, taking a seat beside him. When the teacher sets them loose to work on their projects, he gets Jisung's materials for him, leaving a kiss on the younger boy's forehead before starting on his own work.

In Jisung's opinion, lunch couldn't come fast enough. As the boys work on their art, Jisung stops. He sits there with clenched fists, gritting his teeth as the pain returns. Minho notices this and stops.

"Sungie? Do you want your pills now?" He asks, worried.

"N-no... only" He checks the clock "twenty more minutes. I can do this." He responds with tears in his eyes. The twenty minutes pass slowly and the teacher let's them leave first. Minho gets him to the cafeteria as fast as he can without leaving his boyfriend uncomfortable. They go through the lunch line and the squirrel boy quickly takes his pills.

"Okay. So change of plans. I'm packing water tomorrow and we are having you take them right before art. That way they have time to kick in before you can hurt that much." Minho states. Jisung nods as he eats, leaning his head on the taller's shoulder.

Their friends join them within a few minutes, Hyunjin ranting to Seungmin about how his brother stole his conditioner. The rest of the boys decide to chime in to this conversation, finding it hilarious. Jisung's mood immediately lightens, especially when Minho's laugh enters his ears.

The only music I need to get me through the day. He thinks a he smiles at the boy he loves.

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