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As the two boys leave art and make their way to the cafeteria, Minho notices that Jisung doesn't grab a tray. Instead, the younger just keeps on talking. Minho chuckles, grabbing extra food to give to the little squirrel.

Jisung drags the older boy to sit with his friends today, Changbin already there. They all start chatting, Jisung whispering to Felix that Minho will be joining them and that he has sworn him to secrecy. This causes Felix to giggle slightly.

"Care to share with the class?" Jeongin asks

"No." Felix and Jisung say simultaneously, erupting into more giggles. Felix starts to eat and Jisung turns to talk to Jeongin. Then he feels a tap and looks to find Minho holding out his chopsticks with some food on it.

"You should try this, Ji." He says smoothly, knowing the younger won't accept if he straight out tells him he wants him to eat something. Jisung happily obliges, taking the large mouthful of food and putting it in his cheeks, secretly grateful that Minho gave him a bite of food. Everyone else at the table notices the amount of food on the elders plate and smiles, knowing that he caught on to the fact that their friend doesn't eat.

"Mmm that's so good." Jisung says, licking his lips.

"You can have it! I don't like it very much." Minho lies, eating what he got for himself.  Jisung blushes.

"No, it's your food and you paid for it." He declines. This causes Minho to frown.

"Han Jisung, if you do not eat it, I will spoon feed you." The younger blushes, taking the extra pair of chopsticks and eating, only becoming redder when he realises he used the same utensils as Minho.

The rest of the class goes by fast, Jisung's tummy is full and happy for once. He walks to the dance studio, hearing the rumours as people point and stare.

"He's the one who hangs out with Minho hyung."

"Poor boy is probably using him for his money, like a rat."

"What does that twig have that we don't?"

Jisung's smile fades and he enters the studio, trying hard not to cry and failing miserably. Minho looks up and sees that Jisung is crying. He comes over and hugs the smaller boy.

"Hannie, what's wrong?" He picks the smaller boy up, wrapping his legs around his waist and holding him tight. Jisung cries it out and then taps Minho to put him down. He wipes his eyes and smiles.

"Let's practice, shall we?" He says, weakly. Minho shakes his head.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong, Hannie." Jisung's heart does a flip. That nickname again.

"Just people and their stupid comments. Nothing to worry about."

"They made you cry. I think that's something to worry about. What did they say?" Minho's eyes go dark as Jisung explains, furious at whoever said such mean things about his squirrel. His eyes soften as Jisung intsrtwines his hand with the elders, pulling him to the dance floor.

"I'm okay, Min. Let's just dance." Minho smiles at the boy and they continue their routine, the elder fixing some things here and there on the choreography.  After they're done, they make their way to the front of the school. They start walking towards Felix's house and Jisung pulls his phone out to text the younger, choking on air at his aussie friend's reply. Minho raises his eyebrow, but Jisung shrugs.

"So, if it's okay with you, I need to stop at home quick to grab some clothes." Jisung says, shyly.

"That's perfectly fine with me." Jisung smiles at him. They reach Jisung's house and the smaller boy let's him in. He shyly turns the light on, putting his bag down. Minho notices a few things straight off the bat.

One, the indents in the wall near the light switch.

Two, a dark stain on the floor.

Three, the walls are empty, lacking any photos or decorations.

"Min." Jisung says, grabbing his attention?

"Yes?" He replies.

"Did you want something to drink?" He asks.

"Uh, sure." Jisung smiles.

"I haven't gotten to grocery shop, so I only have water right now-"

"That's fine, Sungie. I like water." He says, reassuring the younger. Jisung gets him water and then disappears upstairs to get his clothes. Minho opens the fridge to see it completely empty. This looks like it hasn't had groceries in it for at least a week...  Minho thinks, closing the door softly and drinking his water, washing the glass and putting it back where Jisung got it, noticing it's one of two cups up in the cabinet.

Jisung comes back down in a hoodie and sweatpants, making his way to the kitchen with the intent to clean the glass and put it away, blushing when he realises Min did it.

"Y-you didn't have to..." Jisung says blushing.

"It wasn't hard, I figured I'd make it easier on you." The older boy smiles.

"Thank you. Shall we get going?" The two make their way the short distance to Felix's house. When they arrive, Felix gives Minho some clothes to change into since he feels bad that the boy didn't get to change from his sweaty dance clothes.

After everyone's changed, Minho meets Felix's parents, who immediately like the boy and fuss over him like they do to the rest. This causes Jisung to giggle. Minho notices this and blushes and Felix gives his mom a look as if to say "See what I mean?".

The four boys leave, picking up Innie  on their way to the mall. Once they arrive, the boys are on a mission: find Felix something to wear for his date. They spend an hour searching until they hear Felix yell.

"GUYS, I FOUND IT!" They all meet back up, looking at the outfit. Jisung smiles.

"This screams you, Lix. Definitely that one!" Jisung says. Minho agrees, handing Felix a necklace he saw.

"I think this will go well with it." Felix's eyes widen.

"Oh my goodness!! Minho, you're a genius!" Felix yells, grabbing the stuff and going to pay. Jisung laughs, going over to the jeans and taking pictures of a certain few. He moves on to shirts and keeps going through different types of clothing, checking things he wants and doing the math to see how much he needs to buy them.

What he doesn't know, or realize, is that Minho has picked up every single thing that Jisung has liked, adding it to a basket in his hands. When Jisung is done, he gets called over by Felix to check out the outfit as a whole. Minho takes his opportunity to go pay, hoping the younger boy doesn't notice. Felix gives him a nod as he calls Jisung over. Felix knows something... they all do. But what is it? After they finish shopping for Felix, they go for something to eat, as suggested by Seungmin.

"You've been quiet today, Minnie hyung" Jeongin says, checking on the older. Seungmin blushes, quickly putting his phone away.

"Sorry... I've been... distracted." He says, turning even more red.

"Oh?" Jisung catches on. "Who is ittt." Seungmin laughs.

"Nobody... don't worry about it." He says. Suddenly, arms wrap around Seungmin's waist from behind. The blonde male kisses Seungmin's neck.

"Nobody, hm?" He says, smirking. Minho chuckles.


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