Negotiation - 58

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Media and the whole business world was panicking and questioning the motive behind the kidnap of the billion dollar cooperation Park's chairwoman.

Park Byeol,a young but significant figure in South korean business industry got kidnapped with her adopted younger brother,who also later revealed to be the second heir to the Kim's international business empire.

Bombs after bomb,the relationship between the chairman of Kim's and kidnapped chairwoman of Park's was leaked to the the world,the relationship between Taehyung and Byeol.They were just normal people in love,but when did the media ever cared about celebrities and renowned people's privacy.

It caused even big obstacle for the search team of Seoul police department in search of the kidnapped people and the huge fluctuations in the stocks of Kim's and Park's causing even more problems in both personal and professional levels.

Just because one has all and money doesn't mean, that they should willing let others control and reveal about their personal life.

Even they are people,they are humans too.They have feelings and emotions like everyone,but when the world been fair for anyone.

But what could the worn out boys could do,when their whole world crashing down and the real world's eyes were all on this particular kidnap case of Byeol and Haru,assuming and connecting it with business,so its inevitably hard for them to protect their privacy at times like these.

The burden of finding and bringing Byeol and Haru into safety is most important priority at the time as many more thread for their lives can arise using this situation,so no one is willing to give a rest for themselves till they save both of their loved ones.

The living room, containing one of the best technical teams of the country's police department.Few people were walking here and there to ensure security of victims family in the house, walkie-talkies blaring commands from headquarters to transmit and coordinate both technical and search teams.

Among the brain buzzing atmosphere there was,Byeol's anxious and sacred parents being consoled by Jimin, Serious looking Hoseok helping the technical team in tracking the kidnapper's location,head of search team Jackson braking commands to his team in the corner and finally a tired looking Yoongi hiding his sadness and exhaustion under the hard expression on his face.

Jungkook and Namjoon sent to manage the mess in both their cooperation ove this kidnap.

They both unwillingly went as they are in positions next to Byeol and Taehyung who are the only people can manage the current scenario in their Companies efficiently.

Taehyung slowly walked into the living room,where everyone in the room's eyes fell on his hunched figure coming and picking up the phone.

He waited for Hoseok to give the signal to talk.

Taehyung felt his heart beat in his throat, cutting off the air supply to his lungs,blood being furiously pumped into his blood vessels and mind buzzing,Body totally going under flight and fight mode.

But he composed himself and looked at the Hoseok who gestured him to go on talk,so they can track the perpetrate's Location.

"What do you want?", Taehyung spat with hater dripping his voice,once his mind cleared a little.

"Oh wow! Coming straight to point are we?,You still are the same tiger cub from years ago"

The oh so familiarly disgusting voice said chirpily.

Taehyung didn't reply anything,trying not ruin the call by lashing out on the person who holds the lives of his loved ones.He don't know when will they get a call again if this was ruined by his anger and he doesn't even want to imagine what this disgusting creature can do to Byeol and Haru, though Taehyung wanted to trust this man with his loved ones safety as they are also important for this person,no Taehyung could never trust this man,who is a potential thread for his love and brother.

This man on the other side of the line is capable of doing anything,he doesn't know or care about emotions,feelings and bonds of relationships.

This man on the other side of the line is a monster in human skin.

"I assume you guys are trying to track me...but sorry to say kids, I'm better than that.You could never track my location and by now your systems would have corrupted and start malfunction-"

Before even the voice could complete the laptop Hoseok was using to track the location of this call exploded.

All the people in the living room jumped and Taehyung was bit startled.

Thankfully no one got injured, except Hoseok,who got few cuts from the glass pieces flew from broken laptop screen.

"Oh? I didn't expect it to be an explosive while I developed this software"

The voice laughed like manic.

"I asked you what do you want?", Taehyung asked with gritted teeth,trying to put all of his last ounce of strength in controlling his anger trying not to lash out.

He was frustrated,how much he anticipated to fight with this,man on the other side of line,but he never once dreamt that this guy will play this dirty and leave Taehyung stand before him defenceless,once again.Taehyung hands were tied, because his loved ones were in the hands of the monster that will never waste a second to kill if it loses its senses.

Taehyung wanted to kill the man with his very own hands,but he was well aware that,this time he doesn't have the upper hand.

"Okay okay boy,still ferocious like back then.Okay let's get down to business now...",the voice said and a small silence settled between the lines.

"I want you...

Not as compensation,I want you to come and save your Juliet and little brother, Mr.Romeo.Before they take off."

The voice said.

" If you put your filthy hands on them,I swear-",before Taehyung could spat out the voice on other side started laughing loudly.

"Boy,do you think we have whole day to curse and get angry?Grow up,come before it's too late.Come to the location I display on one of the system there.You should come alone, remember.Meet you soon tiger cub,bye"

The line ended making Taehyung let a deep sigh to control his frustration and anger,making his mind go crazy.

Soon the system before Jackson displayed various tabs popping up and finally a tab showed up with a address and map point the location.

Taehyung stared at the location and took out his phone and clicked a picture of the map and location,next second he dashed out of the apartment shooting glares at anyone who tried to accompany him.

He can't risk his loved ones life,Byeol and Haru was all he got and he would never gamble their safety.

Signalling everyone to keep calm Yoongi ran out of the apartment and saw Taehyung drive off and started following the car Taehyung driving towards the destination.

Yoongi contacted the search team and technical team to be alert and track his and Taehyung's phone to get the information about the kidnapper's location as he was following Taehyung behind in his car.

He explained to Jackson to bring and keep his team around his location,but not too close.

They can't and won't risk Taehyung in this alone too.

So for now Yoongi will subtly follow Taehyung and he would call the back up to help them once he confirms the location of where the kidnapper kept Byeol and Haru.

Though how much Yoongi tried to shrug it off,he couldn't help but seeth hater and anger out remembering and knowing the owner of the voice.

The the same voice he heard in the background after his dying sister said forever goodbye to him at her very last minute,after she was killed.

He better be ready to pay the debt of every life he took with his blood.


Only few chapters to go!

I'm so emotional about this.

After the official ending, I'll write epilogue for this.

Take care and stay safe.

I love you

With love,Shine💫.

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