White Lilles pt 2 - 48

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Note: Breath - IOTBNO Ost.

3rd person's pov

Her lips involuntary spread into a sad smile looking at her brother beaming at her with his warm smile from an inanimated photo frame.

"Hi Byeong-su,well yeah yeah Oppa.How have you been,Oppa? And guess what I couldn't stay fine",Byeol eyes didn't waver a little from her Brother's portrait when she placed her bouquet of White Lille's on her His Flowers decorated Tomb.

"Well..I'm so jealous of how much flowers you got today and I know you might be sad that you couldn't able to share this with me like you do when we were kids.I never had the chance to tell you,but You are best brother one can ever get.A brother more like a father and friend,you are an real Angel Byeong-su",Byeol sniffles up her tears looking at her brother's smiling face.

"You know Byeong-su? Its been years I last here to see you,right? I was here for only once before,but all I did is to bawl out my eyes about how sorry I'm for you and I also put you in difficult spot..but now I don't feel too hurt of things not under my control these days..I don't torment myself anymore like I used to, I'm not sorry for our past as much as I used...I always remember your words 'Don't be upset over the things you can't control,just go with the flow and find the door to your next destination of your journey'... Now I understand that we are fated to part and that you had to be taken away from me and I couldn't do anything,still it's our fate and I can't be upset over it forever but I can Cherish our beautiful memories together to live on with a genuine smile and more I know you never like me being disheartened.I'm just sorry, that I didn't realise your words and come to see you all these time.But I truly missed you.God..you might not even have an idea how much I missed you like hell but I couldn't get the courage to face you and now I finally got the courage,because I'm not in dark anymore..I promised to myself.I'm your sister afterall, I'll be the one Taehyung can lean on from now on.... it's enough.. enough of him hurting alone and I'm hurting alone.when it's love,sharing of everything is happiness, regardless of whether it's happiness or hardships facing together is love,that's what love mean,caring,understanding and trust..",words from Byeol's heart finally slipped out through her lips as her tears matched the pouring rain around her.

Rubbing off her tears Byeol squats while caressing the smiling face of Byeong-su on the tomb stone.

"I have faced both my biggest fear and regret.I'm no more afraid of what's ahead.I'm promise to stay strong what ever happens.I decided to love him, love him as my Kim Taehyung, the boy I fell in love, during those dark times of my youth and the same boy who loved and protected me unconditionally.Now,its my turn.I'll protect what he wants,I don't want to be someone who stands behind him,but I want to be a the one who is beside him. Intertwining my fingers with his,we'll fight..I'll fight till we both make it through.This time I'll protect him.I promise you.",A content smile made its way on Byeol's lips when finally she could let out her heart.

"I'm sure Hyung will be so proud to see how pretty well you grown up into the woman you are now,Byeol",Jungkook said standing next to the crouching Byeol,while holding an umbrella.

Byeol looked up at her side to see glossy eyes of Jungkook looking back at her.

"You know why Byeong-su loved this white Lille's?",Byeol voiced out while Turing her gaze again to her angelic brother's smiling portrait.

Jungkook let out a little,'why' to hear what the Byeol got to say.

"I have never been fond of these flowers,but I was curious,that why my brother loves this common type flower over anything,so once I asked him why he likes it and he told me this,

'You know White Lille's are symbol of purity and Afterlife that makes it to be in both good events and bad events of one's life still it stays as fresh and glowing to comfort everyone,that's how you live your life is too.You face both hardship and happiness,but you is the who you are.You break and shatter still the strength will be born inside you for facing everything that you are going through and going to.Life is a never ending circle of happiness and hurt,just being trapped inside a particular event of your life doesn't grow you,that only perish the who is you.Move with the flow and glow like those White Lille's.They may be a common flower but they are eternally beautiful.So beautiful eternally like your soul.And the other reason is that this flowers always reminds me of your most heartwarming smile,which I hope always stays in your face forever'

I was a kid back then to understand the depth of his words but my brother never wanted me in pain but I trapped myself like he never wanted me to and ended up hurt him and everyone.Like he said I perished myself and chose to be in dark and turned blind eye to the hardship that my other half going through without my knowledge",Byeol chokked on her tears while turning her head to meet Jungkook's glossy eyes.

Jungkook lent his hand to help Byeol to stand up,but instead Byeol got up forgetting her umbrella while pushing herself on Jungkook for a tight hug.

Circling her arms around Jungkook's neck,again Byeol broke into tears on his shoulder.

"All I have been is stupid for so long..I wondered why I can't hate Taehyung and the answer is Taehyung did nothing wrong but got hurt and didn't had no one to lean on his bad times of his life so far.I was to dumb and immature all these time but now my brother's words from past slapped right in my face",Byeol whimpered on Jungkook's shoulder.

Jungkook securely placed his free arm on Byeol's back to support her in case if she losses her balance.

"It's okay..this is not anyones fault because this is how life is,It moves on its desired direction.But learning and living needs courage and I'm happy you have that..so it's will become alright",Jungkook whispers while drawing a comfort circles on her back.

Byeol shooked her head that's on his shoulder as in agreement.

"Then why are you still sniffling?..is it because you feel so relived after ages?..as if a big weight lifted away from your shoulders.. that's why you are crying?",Jungkook asks slowly.

"Y-Yes",crackled voice of Byeol answers him from his shoulder.

Jungkook chukled at her horse voice which earned him a fist punch on his back.

Yelping a little he continued to giggle while holding Byeol close to him.

"I'm happy that you finally realized that nothing is your fault and embracing the things you should've done lot before... Sometimes,somethings happens out of our control,but know this, everything happens for a reason.",Jungkook mumbled placing his chin on Byeol's shoulder.

They both didn't utter anymore words but stayed like that,only Jungkook hand moved to patted her back to sooth her heart .

After all Jungkook know Byeol need someone's warmth more than anything.

All Jungkook could do is to thank Yoongi for informing about Byeol's sudden visit to her Brother's grave.

Though Jungkook felt something bad not so far from now,still he can tell that it's peaceful and encouraging how positive Byeol actions are now.

Because for Jungkook,Byeol will be more happy and safe next to Taehyung than anyone of them.

Her happiness and life is Taehyung and he will do anything to help his friend to live a peaceful life.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile at the boy he looked up as if his own big brother smiling from the portrait in his grave.

"I miss you Byeong-su Hyung".

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