Deja vu - 23

115 7 2

Byeol's pov

Yesterday I fell asleep early than usual.May be because feeling truly happy and complete after years of loneliness, I realized myself as a luckiest person to have someone I love deeply by my side.

This all gave me the most peaceful sleep I ever had.

Now I woke up early and Taehyung is still sleep.

Yes it became my usual routine of waking up after Tae As he will be the one wakes me up.My morning are always filled with his whines to make me get out of the bed.

He is an early bird,but today tables turned.I was the one woke up first where he is still sleeping peaceful next to me.

I can hear his steady breath in and out as the room is so silent.

I smiled to myself as I brought my face nearer to his.

I felt his hot breath hitting my lips. Unconsciously my hand reached out for his left cheek and slowly started to stroke it gently.

I could feel his muscles in the face contracting.which mean he is waking up slowly.

"Byeol...",His deep voice which is deeper in morning questioned me.

I hummed in response as I halted my Palm on his cheek and placed my forehead on his.

"Happy birthday",Tae whispered.

At the time I myself don't know what I'm doing.

Just like that I pressed my lips on his and felt his lips pushing into a smile against mine.

Pulling away,"Thanks for the wish and the gift",I mumbled.

"Sweet",He chuckled causing me turn into tomato red.


3rd person's pov

"Where we are going?",Byeol asked.

"We going for sight seeing the whole town", Taehyung grinned at her as he helped her to slip into the passenger seat of the car.

Fastening Byeol's seat belt Taehyung closed her door and jogged around the car to slip himself in the driver seat.

"You driving?",Byeol asked him.

" is just for us.Only us", Taehyung grinned as he held Byeol's hand and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles.

Byeol felt an electric wave passing through her spin with the contact of his lips on her skin.

"But..but you know I can't-",Byeol was cutted off by Taehyung.

"I'm not your eyes just in names.. today I'll make you feel every moment worth", Taehyung said he rubbed his thumb on her back of the hand.

He started off the car and drove towards the various attraction of the town.

Biseulsan was their first stop,and later continued to Geumho river then Upo wetland and most of the tourist attractions of Daegu.

Taehyung explained every single detail of the scenery and the history behind that made Byeol to feel them as much as she could to the exact.

But what made Byeol happy was, how much Taehyung seemed happy and enthusiastic while explaining the things his Dear hometown held in his heart.

He because a excited kid.

His childhood and every single thing he told made Byeol's heart flutter with love and adoration towards him.

After a long day of Hanging out they reached Apsan park at Nightfall.

LIKE A PRAYER / Kth ff {COMPLETED}✅Where stories live. Discover now