Smirk - 34

110 11 0

Note: Definitely you ost - Hwarang

3rd person's pov

Disgust crept in Byeol's face, as soon as her tongue touched the bitter liquid from her Cup.

"Mr.Park ordered me to give you extra bitter Expresso,I'm Sorry", Secretary Baek whisper apologized  to Byeol.

Byeol smiled off as she can see Ms.Baek's worried face.

But, Byeol actually needed something bitter to awake her senses from last night's alcohol,which still swirling inside her veins.

Then the incident from the morning is neither a help for her current state.

She still felt like a terrible hangovered moron.But all that confused her was,how just two shots of Champagne from last night got her still a hangover maniac,where she couldn't even feel a bit of tipsiness from two bottles of same champagne just mere few days ago.

And then her still hangover mind somehow helped her to maintain a sane person exterior before everyone including Haru from this morning.

But yeah, Jimin knows Byeol better than she does know about herself.That's how an elder brother is in every girl's life.

Yet this every information is out of her hammering brain because all she find disturbing is not her hangover or irritated self of Jimin or Jungkook's concern glace on her,But soul piercing Taehyung's gaze on her,which notices her every move.

Byeol shuffled in her seat as she felt way more awkward than usual,that because she was been the one stared at Taehyung this morning and got caught red hand by him.

"Ms.Chairwoman!", Secretary Baek shooked the dazed woman for an answer,which successfully brought the said woman back on earth.

"I'll make up with him later.Don't worry",Byeol awkwardly whispered back, while placing the cup on the table and looked up the three men whom all suited up and sitting across from her.

Byeol kinda felt embarrassed for suddenly zoning out between a conversation with her subordinate.

Jungkook cleared his throat, that grabbed everyone's attention in the hall.

"Good morning and welcome everyone present here as the CEO of Park's group.I hope everything will be going well today and now let me hand further speech to Secretary Baek.",Jungkook bows a little in respect and sits down.

"Welcome to our Park's group ,The Kim's!", Secretary Baek starts cheerfully as soon as she stands up.

Byeol smiled at the cheerful self of her secretary,because Baek Soo min always understood and helped her a lot from the day she took charge as Byeol's secretary.

Though Soo min was too young for the post still like Byeol,still Soo min always stayed more than upto everyone's expectations.

But not only her work got a soft spot in Byeol's heart also the way Soo min took care of Byeol like a elder sister would do.Yes Soo min was older than Byeol by a year still she always tried and did understood Byeol like friend.

The years of working together Byeol really takes Soo min as her friend but never let Soo min know.All because she was afraid of lossing people close to her.Byeol thought once people knows that she cherishes them,they'll eventually let her down and vanishes just how Taehyung did to her in past.

So that was the reason of her cold and hard facade towards everyone.

Here we go again, Byeol literally face palmed before everyone in the middle of the briefing,by her secretary about their project.

Everyone looked at Byeol with doubtfull eyes which in turn caused the woman at the center of everyone's attention to let a awkward cough and wave her secretary to continue.

Byeol let out a sigh once the unwanted attention turned away from her.

"Now my briefing comes to an end, I hope our collaboration on this project becomes the next hit in Gaming market.After all both of our groups are well renowned and leading in gaming industry", Secretary Baek bowed as a round of applause follows for her briefing.

Byeol's pov

"That good and attractive briefing I ever heard",,Namjoon smiled at Soo min who smiled back at him.

I unconsciously frowned.But yeah it nothing concerns me as far as I can Dodge every chance of being alone with Taehyung.

"Now we are all clear about what we are up to,Why don't we process to sign the contract? How about you Chairwoman Park?", Taehyung voice reached my ear as I was busy hearing Jungkook explaining me about the projet a little more.

When I turned and darted my eyes,he was already looking dead in my eyes.

I unconsciously gulped at his again soul piercing gaze.

"Hmm...uh..yeah sounds good.Then let's go ahead",I forced a smile towards him.

This time I successfully facepalmed mentally,but soon my breath hitched when he threw me a slight smirk and I was one hundred percent sure except me no would have noticed it.

His smirk might be a short live one still it brought the needed effect in me.

Does he always been this sexy and attractive in our past or I'm I seeing false things?

I looked away from him as I felt a strange warmth embracing my body.

3rd person's pov

"As of Now we signed our contract peacefully,why don't we all enjoy our today's lunch together? What do you think about it Chairman.Kim?",Asked Jimin out of blue.

There was clear surprise passed through Taehyung's eyes as he couldn't believe what he seeing.

The Park freaking Jimin is inviting him politely for a lunch?.

Byeol was froze at her spot not knowing what to react and felt the alcohol in system evaporates at that instant.

Byeol was clueless of what Jimin is upto or what to tell, but soon she snapped back when her eyes fell on Soo min.

Soo min mouthed her to follow the lead of Jimin as it would be impolite to deny.

"Hmm..yeah Mr.Park is right.Please join us",Byeol smiled at Seokjin as she was still felt the unfamiliar warmth in her, when ever her eyes meet Taehyung's.

"We are glad to",Namjoon smiled and Taehyung nodded in acknowledgement.

"This a great idea",smile Seokjin.

But Byeol's eyes din't left from her so weird brother.

Because who in the hell would have guessed that Jimin will be the one treating Taehyung so politely, as he was the one holding a massive grudge towards Taehyung.

But soon her nerves loosened up when Jungkook patted on her shoulder and whispered,"Everything will be alright".

All in her mind was ,"I hope too".

A/N: I'm so proud of BTS and ARMY💜

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