Hurtful familiarity - 28

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3rd person's pov

"Have you talked with Byeol,after leaving her all alone in her Apartment yesterday?",Jimin asked the frustrated Jungkook.

"No...she didn't pick up my calls.she literally threw both me and Haru out of the house.Thank god that kid agreed to stay with me in my Apartment,that time I was not in mood to knock out a high schooler to shut his mouth.",Jungkook huffed out the breath, he was been holding in anger.

"But.. isn't it stupid to leave her all alone as we all are so aware of what she gonna do alone...",Jimin faded off in the end of the sentence as if he was hesitating to yell that.

"Lock up herself in that studio of her's and Drown in alcohol?",Jungkook shooked his head in disappointment while telling.

"There is something wrong with her.. something is off,like as if she is hidding something big from all of us..Lets drop this for now,I'm so done!.I hope she will be okay by tomorrow and what about Haru?",Jimin looked at the younger guy.

"He asked me to Drop him in a library to study before starting his new school",Jungkook said while adjusting his blue suite.

"Good.Hope everything will be fi-", Before even Jimin could finish his sentence a woman dashed into the room.

"Mr.Park and Mr.Jeon!", exclaimed the woman with panick struck face.

"What happened Secretary.Baek?!!, Anything bad happened?",Jungkook asked in concern while looking at that the woman.

"Nothing bad happened,Mr.Jeon..but..Kim cooperation's Chairman.Kim.. He is here to see Our Chairwoman.Park.",said Secretary Baek.

"What???!",yelled Jungkook and Jimin in unison with shocked expression.


Byeol's pov

"Second bottle of champagne,still sober",I giggled like a manick while rolling the empty bottle on the white fury carpet I'm sitting on while leaning my back on the sofa's leg behind me.

I looked around my white walled studio with various portraits of him, I did this all in this years of loneliness.

After his disappearence I started to drink,just in the hope to forget him for a while or atleast forget the pain of his absence for little while.

But some or the other way I found my tolerance for alcohol increase day by day.Now even 2 bottles of champagne can't get me drunk,which inturn cause me to remember him more and more.

I looked at the wall portrait of him against my vision.

It took me months to pick up the brush in my hand like I used to be.I was totally lost! I searched for him everywhere..but no news of him.. every one looked at me with pity or disgust.. If I have become a monster that time,it would have been no surprise,that much broken I was at the time. How did he thought I can live like nothing happened after he disappeared like that with a part of myself with him...whenever I press the brush on tha canvas all I can see is him, all I can paint is his face,his face..which I never got to see with this eyes of mine.


I could never move on from him.. Everyone said time won't wait for me, only because I'm sad.And told me that I should move on.yeah may be they are right,because years did rolled on...but..but why I still feel like my time stopped ticking from the day he left me?It feels like as if I was trapped there and never been able to move.

For me he is still here with me through the portraits of him I did and by his gift circling my neck.

I ran my finger over the accessory on my neck.

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