Chapter 2: Friendship

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School just ended, Em was waiting outside staring at some beetle on the sidewalk.

Fiore: Good you waited for me.

Em: Like what else was I supposed to do?

Fiore: Yeah yeah. Up for getting lunch?

Em: Uh, I could eat.

The walk down the streets of Wellston city, chatting about stupid stuff while trying to find a good place for lunch.

Fiore: Did you know my cousin Seraphina calls the state of Texas, Texis.

Em: Texis?

Fiore: Yeah, weird huh?

Em: Yeah, not as weird as my family.

Fiore: OK, fire away.

Em: My dad clips his toenails on the carpet and doesn't vacuum it up.

Fiore: That's 🤢 Disgusting.

Em: Told ya.

Fiore: I just lost my appitite.

Em: Well, what now.

Fiore: He let's go in the porn shop.

Em: WHY?!

Fiore: For fun, to stare at perverts.

Em: We are a little underage!

Fiore: So, you've had the birds and the bees talk. Let's go *grabs Em's arm*

Em: Hey! No wonder Seraphina calls you lesbian.

Em would soon find out the real reason Fiore forced him in their.


Fiore: These! Take a look! *holds one straight and one gay porn magazine*

Fiore: Which on turns you on.

Em: Fiore is this really necessary?

Fiore: Well I don't know what gender you are so I can at least find out about your sexuality!

Em: Why?

Fiore: So I can help you! That's what friends are for.

Em: I literally just met you.

Fiore: Just answer the damn question!

Em: ugh. *points to the straight one*

Fiore: So you like girls, OK.

Em: What are you going to do?

Fiore: Nothing, nothing at all, just maybe harras you if you like some random chick on the street.

Em: Are usually this annoying?

Fiore: No, just seizing the opportunity. Plus I need a friend to make fun of.

Em: Hm. Alright then.

The leave with Em embarrassed and Fiore with a smug face.

Em: Why did you get in my personal buissness?

Fiore: Because, you seemed nervous who you are.

Em: Wow, she's very supportive. If only she knew I'm not really who I look I am.

Fiore: Now let's eat I'm fucking starving!

The finally find a place. A Mexican restarunt at that.

Fiore: *eating* How come you cover your neck?

Em: I don't know, I get cold easily.

Fiore: Its 72.

Em: I'm just really skinny?

Fiore: That fatter you are, the colder you are. Next.

Em: OK look I'm just insecure. That's all.

Fiore: Well I can see that homo saipen.

Em: Shut up kool aid hair.

Fiore: That's a good comeback.

Em: Pfft, you think that's good, wait till you see what I have in stock for you.

Fiore: Hey uh by the way, why do you call your self Em'?

Em: It's name issues.

Fiore: It could be something like, I dunno Emerson. That's dual-binary.

Em: Emerson, I like that.

Fiore: See? What do you think?

Em: Yeah, its better then Em'.

Fiore: Cool, from known on, I'll call you Emerson.

Emerson: OK. Thanks for being supportive.

Fiore: Its nothing, my other cousin has like 4 kids who one of them is gay. He's cranky for a gay kid though, probably got it from his dad.

Emerson: Huh.

They leave and start walking back. They spot a bunch if old test dummies from when Rei was king.

Fiore: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Emerson: Yeah.

Their eyes both glow brown and start attacking them. They do this for about 10 minutes before it feels embarrassing.

Emerson: OK this is weird. *chuckles*

Fiore: Yeah, it is. We better get home.

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