Chapter 5: Are you OK?

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Its been a month since Emerson enrolled. Fiore and Emerson are now part of the hierarchy, the turf war was won and Jeraphina and Blemi are working out perfectly. That is...

Even though it had been a month, Seraphina can't stop about thinking about what she saw. She looks over at Fiore and Emerson. Right now, he is non binary unsure of his identy with a Proton ability but when no one is looking, he's a full male with a speculated Energy Manipulation ability.

Seraphina heads down to the school library, she has full access since she is a tutor.

She frantically searches the books, she hasn't been able to look at info since the library temporary shut down of half a year ( The internet was not helpful one bit so she thought maybe printed text could help ). She finds and old book about ability lore and scrolls through the pages until she gets to the E section.

She reads outloud quietly.

Sera: OK letsee. Energy Manipulation was an odd ability known to happen when a family has the same same ability or no ability for generations. When this happens the worlds most powerful ability occurs in a person, Energy Manipulation can do simple things like change one's mood to destroy an entire city with one physical energy blast. Shit that's powerful! It says that it is the only recorded ability able to surpass 9.9!

She sits for a minute, trying to take it all in. She keeps reading like how it activate sthe whole eye instead if a pupil and turns a pupil into a white ring etc.

For once in her life she is genuinely afraid. A kid like this, roaming around the halls remind her of someone a few years ago.

Sera: John. Oh no, please don't let it happen again!

Worse, she is no longer in the class so she can't go back to the hierarchy. All she can do is watch and hope that Blyke doesn't screw this up.

Seraphina is shaking when John spots her.

John: Hey! Sera what's wrong?

Seraphina: Its uh n-nothing!

John: Sera, what's wrong.

Sera: I can't. I can't tell you.

John: Yes you can! You can tell me anything! I'm your boyfriend remember!

Sera: But not even you could.

Sera stops to think about what Emerson's real tier is.

Sera: You can't do anything John.

John: Tell me! If someone is fucking with you I'll beat them up! I have the strongest ability in the world!

Sera: That's not true anymore.

Sera: Just please. Stop asking me.

John: OK Sera, if there's anything, please tell me.

Sera: If I do, you will die.

John stays there to comfort Seraphina.

Meanwhile Emerson and Fiore are chatting in the hall.

Fiore: Well I need you to proton shoot this for me OK?

Emerson: Yeah sure, just uh let me use the bathroom first!

He dashes to the bathroom, trying to look like he needs to pee bad. He hides in a stall and pulls out a needle. It contains a temporary artificial ability, Proton Shot. He injects himself with it. He does this everyday so that he will never have to use his Energy Manipulation. However it does not disable it so he can still use it at anytime.

He walks out of the stall.

Emerson: OK, ready!

Fiore: Now I need to you to shoot this chair.

Emerson: Why?

Fiore: To see how sturdy it is.

The reason Emerson excelled at using his Proton Shot is that Proton beams are very similar to Energy blasts, so it was easy for him to adjust. However Emerson was stupid enough to leave his needle in the bathroom, which John finds when he uses it. Luckily for Emerson, John thinks its just a Heroine needle, nothing more.

It is when the needle for some reason is in the middle of the floor in the hall ( The janitor dropped it, ew I know. ) Seraphina catches it. She observes it ( Why would you do that, don't do that at home. ) to find the answer to her question, why does Emerson both have Proton Shot and Energy Manipulation.

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