Chapter 22: I dont give a fuck🖕

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Emerson glances behind him, little do they know. Emerson has been fighting several Ember teams while he was just doing errands. Team Radeon was only the 33rd Team he fought, he really thought that he was just going to buy clothes at the mall.

He decides to turn around and head for the exit instead, where John and Sera were uh fear smooching.

Every step he takes he keeps injecting more energy to his leg muscles, until he comes to the point where he is running faster than light. He runs qlot when he's upset, that's why he excels so much in the speed category.

Faster and Faster he goes, until a over-surge of energy overcomes him.


He falls to the ground, the over flow of energy puts him in a coma, no one not even the used can withstand that much physical energy.

-3 hours later-



Emerson: ugh, someone shut that annoying thing off!


Emerson: There, its quiet now.

He starts to open his eyes, he can barely see but he come feel however, his legs burn from the over dose of energy and its cold around him.

Emerson: Where am I? Could have Ember captured me?

He starts pushing his arms up on the bed, lifting himself up.

Emerson: Ow my leg! What the hell happened?!

???: Thank god you're awake.

Emerson's eyes still barely work, he couldn't make out who was talking to him.

John: And I thought you died.

Sera: John stop being so negative.

John: He looks dead.

He recognized John and Seraphina's voice but the other one he couldn't make out for some reason.

???: You all look dead lol.

OK now he recognized who that was, he knows those smart ass comments from anywhere. He tries to surge energy to his body trying to wake himself but instead outside energy hits him instead.

Fiore: You dummy that is why you are in here.

John: Hey dude! You OK?

Emerson: uh huh.

Fiore: Why would you try to kill yourself with a lethal amount of energy?

Emerson: I wasn't, I was just running and I lost track.

Sera: Why tho?

Emerson: I run when I have negative emotions.

John: You and me.

Emerson: Except I make it dangerous for my self.

Fiore: So what happened that caused you to hurt yourself?

Emerson: I got stressed out, that's all.

He tries to get out of bed but his legs won't allow him.

Emerson: Oh fuck.

John: What?

Emerson: I fucked up my legs. Guess I'm going to be here aLOT longer.

Sera: Well I got a call from Wellston so I'm needed for a class.

John: Well I guess I better go to then.

Emerson: Cool!

Sera: Why so enthusiastic?

Emerson: Because I get to be by myself for once.

Fiore: You forgot I'm still here.

Emerson: Oh.

Fiore: Do you not wante here.

Emerson: NO NO! ITS OK!

Fiore: 😒

Emerson: I sound like an asshole.

John: You do.

Emerson: I thought you were leaving?

John: I like to stick around when there is drama.

Emerson: 🥱 Won't find any here.

John: Well don't have a baby while were gone.

Emerson: Oh fuck you.

Fiore: Baby? Why would we have one?

Emerson: Because teenagers love inappropriate jokes.

Fiore: *sigh*

John: One more thing, I think Seraphina and i at get married in the future.

Emerson: And I don't give a fuck🖕.

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