Chapter 33: His past

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The left the city the were walking in, it was too much of gossiping against them, however they chose not to use their abilities anymore for the day just so they wouldn't course drama.

- Wellston River Road -

Fiore: So can you tell me what happened to you?

Emerson: I-I don't know.

Fiore: Hey, I'm your girlfriend, I won't hurt you. Maybe I can help.

Emerson: The thing is, its not trauma like John but something else. A reason why I don't over-use my ability anymore.

Fiore: I understand. Mind filling me in?

Emerson: OK, exactly one year ago. I was homeschooled in a different city. Everything was fine until... Until the whole city was ablaze from a deadly fire tornado from Ember. Cars were swirling, buildings were collapsed it was just choas. I was tier 9 then but I took incentive to do something about it. The whole time I was over-surging my power I was gaining level points faster than humanly possible. It took me all of my strength to finally rescue the city from destruction. In the end, I was a level 15 but what was the bad part was that, I was pretty much dead. If it weren't for an immediate trip to the hospital I wouldn't be here. That over-surge of energy was lethal. Now a days I try to slowly over-surge hoping to gain control of it but I mostly never over surge.

Fiore: Wow, that's interesting. But if a level 9 amount of energy was already lethal, imagine a level 15.

Emerson: Yeah, I can however try to protect myself but half the time it doesn't work. Like when I trued to over surge but I got put in a coma.

Fiore: *sigh* Why de we even have these? We shouldn't even have these abilities in the first place.

Emerson: There is nothing you can change but what I can do is give you my mistakes so you don't make the same mistakes and possibly kill yourself.

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