Chapter: 7 Even Blyke gets suspicions

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Blyke: That weird kid...

Blyke is staring at Emerson down the hall. With Seraphina acting very strange lately and Emerson being what he is has set some alarms for Blyke.

Blyke slowly walks up to Emerson who is throwing something in the garbage.

Blyke: Em' or Emerson was it?

Emerson: Its Emerson now. Fiore picked it out for me.

Blyke: I see. May I ask, did you do something to Seraphina that would make her act cookoo?

Emerson: Gosh, no. Why would she be acting cookoo anyway?

Blyke: Dunno, gets like that when around you. Ha sthe hots for you maybe?

Emerson: I doubt that. She already has John and is way older than me. She's like 19 and I'm 15! Plus she would date a weird person like me.

Blyke: I will say, you are weird for who you are but its also interesting. Last time something interesting happened at Wellston was 2-3 years ago when John enrolled. He had some crazy ass ability that I thought never existed.

Emerson: Wait till you see my ability, which will never happen.

Blyke: He also made war with the hierarchy which he was part of. The whole thing was messed up, it from Arlo, Remi and Me to John, Remi or Seraphina then Cecile and whatnot. It was just a mess.

Emerson: Sounds awful.

Blyke: It was, till Seraphina did something, snapped John out of his issues.

Emerson: Anyway, why did come talk to me?

Blyke: Well you're our Jack! I don't have permission to talk to you?

Emerson: Of course you do but why? Are you?

Blyke: No no no. You see I'm with Remi.

Emerson: Then why?

Blyke: Just talking to a friend.

Emerson: I don't think we were friends in the first place. Eh what ever.

Emerson: Ah OK.

Blyke: You should probably get back to whatever you were doing. Sorry to bother you, good talk.

Blyke: I know what Arlo did was horrible but it revealed the truth. If what I heard Seraphina mubbling about is true then I may have to do what Arlo did. Both John and Emerson are hiding shit and is too stubborn to tell. However John had mental issues, this kid however is weird.

Blyke thinks to himself, holding his hand to his chin, wondering if he should make the same move Arlo did so many years ago, coincendtly Remi runs up to him with something rolled up in her hand.

Remi: Hey, daydreamer! Look! I found this poster one of Arlo's subjects made while he was still king!

Remi: Hey, daydreamer! Look! I found this poster one of Arlo's subjects made while he was still king!

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Blyke: That dude really thinks highly of himself.

Remi: Pfft, yeah. What an Asslo.

Blyke: Hey uh, are you free this weekend?

Remi: Are you asking me on another date? Blyke we've had like millions.

Blyke: No no I was just asking if you were free at all. I kinda need your help and ability.

Remi: Yeah, I'm free this weekend.

Blyke: Thanks, can we meet at the turf?

Remi: Yeah sure.

Blyke: Thank you, now let me go talk to Isen.

Isen was drawing rat diagrams in a empty classroom when Blyke walked in.

Blyke: Hey Isen! Wassup?!🤟

Isen: Nothing, just drawing tasty diagrams.

Blyke: Tasty? Rats ain't tasty! Your just hungry again.

Isen: Yeah, maybe I need to grab a coke or something. What's up?

Blyke: Are you free this weekend? I need your help

Isen: Yeah sure buddy! What is it?

Blyke: I need to confront a certain somebody. I believe they are living a lie.

Isen: OK dude! This better not be one of those Asslo re-mistakes.

Blyke: Huh?

Isen: I just don't want what happened to John to happen again.

Blyke: Yeah, sure buddy.

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