Chapter 36: Colors and Shadows

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OK well, I'm getting a new Note 5 soon ( Fuck you old phones are cheaper so don't say SHEEET ), in the meantime I will write on my MacBook.

Fiore was getting dressed in her room, after she put some earrings on she spotted the strange color bracelet in the drawer and decided to them on as a fashion accessory.

Fiore: Hey Emerson, I'm going out with the girls. Is that OK?

Emerson: Cool! Have fun! I'll see you later then.

Fiore: OK, Bye!

She quickly opened the door and headed out. She walked at a normal place however to Wellston Mall. The mall automatically opens and she spots Remi waving at her.

Remi: Hi Fiore! Hows it going?

Fiore: Great. You?

Remi: I'm fine. Where's Seraphina though?

Fiore: I dunno, maybe she's late? I mean she has job you know.

Remi: I know. Its not like her to be late.

Remi picks up her cellphone, she had accidentally left it in silent and did not realize that Seraphina had already texted her that she would be a little late.

Remi: Huh, that's odd.

Fiore: What is?

Remi: She's going to be a little late.

Fiore: I see.

Then time freezes and Seraphina quickly arrives.

Sera: Uh sorry I'm late.

Remi: It's O-

Fiore: You weren't THAT late. lol.

After regrouping they start walking around the mall not actually doing anything but talking. Remi and Seraphina were talking about their boyfriends but Fiore isn't conversing about that topic because she sense something was off.

Sera: Cuz, are you OK? Your not talking.

Remi: You looked concerned.

Fiore: Uh, it's nothing.

Sera: Are you not talking because you are a lesbian and don't want to talk about your boyfriend?


Remi: Damn Seraphina you are mean.

Sera: At least Fiore is saying something.

Fiore: Well, I think somethings wrong that's why.

Remi: What do you mean?

Sera: Well it is logical. A lot of bad shit happened here the past couple of years. I lost my ability, we were tracked and that was Ember influence here.

Remi: Maybe you just feel bad energy from the past?

Fiore: No, its not that.

Sera: Then what is it?

Fiore: You know what, I think it went away.

Sera: Maybe you need some boba?

Actually, Fiore brushed it off but the dark feeling kept getting worse. She only brushed it off so she wouldn't ruin the day.

Fiore: Yeah, hehe maybe I do,

Seraphina leads the way and all 3 of them sit down at a booth.

Sera: You should try Mango. It's John favorite.

Remi: OK I'll try that!

Sera: I remember I brought Asslo here and he tried to order a plain black coffee.

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