Chapter 4: Seraphina's Discovery

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Seraphina giggles to herself.

She just left John's apartment and is heading home. She's giggling if what just happened, John and her just took their relationship to the next level, Seraphina exclaims a YES! To the world and fists her hands in the air. It was just 4 years ago when they met and now anything could happen.

She began daydreaming about marriage and kids and other stuff when she hit a crossroad.

Sera: I don't remember, do I go left or right?

She chooses right, the wrong choice she will soon find out.

She sits down on a near park bench just to check on her social media for a minute when a large body hurls near her.


She sees a blue aura. She looks up confused and sees someone with his ability activated in a strange way.

 She looks up confused and sees someone with his ability activated in a strange way

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It was Emerson. His clothes were no longer hiding his neck, revealing an Adam's apple. His figure and attitude is like of an Alpha Male and his strange ability, glowing his entire eye instead of his pupils. Seraphina looks at his power, she immediately figures out that his ability is more powerful than John's and Seraphina's combined.

Emerson: Fuck with these citizens who have done nothing wrong, OR ELSE I WILL DESTROY YOU!!

He speaks in a much more natural deep voice instead of his efforted higher voice. He levitates the criminal's body and holds a blue ball, sparking with power. He holds the criminal like a target and shoots him, blasting him away in the shadows.

Sera: There' way that's Emerson! His ability is a brown Proton Shot! Not whatever this is!

Emerson looks up, His face no longer looks like the insecure face of yesterday. Emerson clearly is an alpha male here, his power surges through his body. He looks around, checking for a potential ambush when he spots Seraphina.

Sera: Emerson?! Is that you?!

Emerson: Speak of nothing of what you saw! Or else I will destroy you! *turns his hand into a sharp blue claw*

Sera: *activates ability* Hey, woah I didn't come here as a threat!

Emerson immediately teleports himself away.

Sera: What the?! Hey! Comeback here!

Sera: What did I just saw?! His power, was way stringer than I thought! How does he have a Proton Shot ability when he has that one?! Unless his ability is, no. It can't be......

Energy Manipulation.

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