Chapter 24: SHUT UP JOHN!!

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Emerson was standing in the mall bored as hell. Only Blyke and Fiore came so them 3 are just patrolling and waiting.

Blyke: At this point, there's no danger.

Emerson: I'm pretty sure the Ember tyranny has ended by now.

Blyke: I mean Asslo is president now.

Fiore: How the hell did a 20 year old get into office?

Emerson: It'd called when Ember killed 99% of the people in the government. Which I support.

Blyke: Why?


Blyke: What does that mean?

Emerson: Oh shut up you uneducated Communist.

Blyke: Why?

Fiore: He's in a mood.

Blyke: There is literally no Ember people here.

Isen and Remi then decide to show up.

Remi: Hey guys!

Blyke: Hi!

Emerson: There's no one here so you should have stayed home.

Isen: Well, I wanted a cookie.

Fiore: Cookie?

Blyke: Isen I think you have 12 cavities at this point.

Emerson: What makes you think that?

Blyke: He never once brushes his teeth because he brushes his pens tips instead.

Isen: Hey!

Remi: So uh.

Emerson: 🖕

Fiore: Why?

Emerson: Just felt like it.

They just stand for about 10 minutes looking around and then get bored and start messing around on their phones.

Isen: Ooh I like this one.

Blyke: You buying pens?

Isen: No, this.

He reveals his phone to show the horror.


Blyke: Dude! Not in public!

Isen: But this Milf looks so hot.

Blyke: Why must you this?

Emerson: Its fine to watch that useless shit but in public?

Remi: What's worse is he never wears headphones and he always buys smartphones with powerful speakers.

Blyke: at 200%.

Isen: Thanks for the suggestion!

He plays the video at 200%

Blyke: NOOO!!!

Emerson: Thank god these wireless earbuds are noise canceling. *puts them on and plays Live and Learn at 100% so he won't hear it*

Isen: 🤤

Remi: I've got a gun.

Fiore: Use it now.

Remi: Its a Nerf gun.


Emerson: *takes off headphones* OK they don't work. I got an idea.

He uses his energy to levitate a manikin in front of Isen.

Blyke: Right! He's afraid of manikins!

Emerson: Look! A hot girl likes you!

Isen: reall- AHHHH!!!

Blyke: Good one!

Remi: His phone is still going.

Emerson: The IT nerd here to save the day.

Isen: Wait what happened?

Emerson: I parental locked your phone to only watch early childhood content.

Isen: How?

Emerson: Your google password should not be "Pen".

Isen: NOO!!

Emerson: I lock it for 8 months.

Isen: Why?

Emerson: To break your addiction.

Blyke: I owe you.

Emerson: No need.

Then John and Seraphina finally show up.

Remi: Hey gu-


Sera: Doing shit.

Isen: You were pooping?

Emerson: 😓

John: We were just late that's all.🤥

Fiore: No you weren't.

Emerson: Well they are teachers.

John: Yeah I was teaching Sera some shit.

Sera: Hell yeah.

Blyke: Y'all look drunk ass hell.

John: In the car, I did some 🥴🖐🍆 and then Sera looked at me like this 🥵 and she showed me her 🍑 and I just whipped out my 🍌 and then we 🥨 and finally she 😲💦🥒.

Emerson: This is worse then Isen's porn.

Sera: Whu?

John: We also did a round-


Sera: Hey cuz you should do it sometime.

Fiore: I'm 15.

Sera: So? Wouldn't hurt.

Isen: When you mean wouldn't hurt do you mean literally like down there or?

Emerson: I'm going to fucking kill you.

Sera: No reaaly you should.

Blyke: I think she's being serious.

Remi: You think?

Emerson: Getting sex advice from our teachers.

Isen: Sounds like porn.

Emerson: YOU WILL DIE!

John: So what's the agenda?

Blyke: Go home, Ember is not here.

Sera: Round 3 baBY!!

Emerson: I want to die.

Isen: Oh come on! You have felt horny before right?

Emerson: Except I don't want to hear it from my supposed "Friends"

Blyke: I'm with him.

Sera: Cuz, make sure you do it with Emerson! You won't regret it!

Fiore: I regret doing this.

Remi: Don't worry they act like this when they are drunk.

Emerson: Which is why alcohol is the enemy.

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