Chapter 30: Doesn't Matter

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On their way to the infirmary, the both were coughing up blood and were extremely tired from over using their abilities. However Emerson was barely strong enough to support Fiore trying to help her walk to the infirmary. The surge of energy was too much for the both of them. They were almost there when they collapsed.

Emerson looked around him, he felt disappointed. He turned his head to look at his fallen girlfriend.

 He turned his head to look at his fallen girlfriend

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Emerson: They was a lot huh?

Fiore: Yeah, no kidding. *cough* Dammit Emerson we should have done it.

Emerson: We couldn't. Beside those people who gave us these powers are assholes who think that a couple of 15 year olds can save the damn multiverse.

Fiore: But, we should still done something.

Emerson: We tried bit it was too much. Besides, this weird ass multiverse thing is being dealt by some weird ass ghost girls. Besides WE are fine, I'm sure nothing will happen to us. We wouldn't even have known for this if it weren't for our powers.

Fiore: I guess your right.

Emerson: Come on, I'll help you up.

After a tedious walk, they finally made it. After a visit with a confused Darren, they just sit outside.

Fiore: *sigh* I really don't want to think about this, like at all.

Emerson: We shouldn't anyway.

Fiore: But what about-

Emerson: Doesn't Matter.

Fiore: I haven't even finished.

Emerson: And I know what you were going to say. You know what, let's change the subject.

Fiore: Agreed.

Emerson: So Seraphina, how much does she bother you.

Fiore: lol. At first she thought I was a lesbian.

Emerson: Mostly because you act like one.

Fiore: AND because I was always single.

Emerson: Which is normal.

Fiore: Well, we both know what she does now.

Emerson: Give sex advice.

They both start bursting out laughing.

Fiore: 😂 Like who gives sex advice to a couple of 15 year olds?!

Emerson: You'd be surprised how many 15 yrolds are not innocent. Its bigger than you think.

Fiore: True.

Emerson: But John doesn't have to share his sex life lol.

Fiore: Detail by detail.

Emerson: *sigh*

Fiore: It'd be so funny if we did do it tho.

Emerson: For one, you would no longer be a lesbian.

Fiore: Which I never was.

Emerson: What is wrong with us?

Fiore: What do mean?

Emerson: Here we are talking about his bad John and Seraphina talk about stuff and here we go talking about what it would be like.

Fiore: Good point. Well we are allowed to talk about that. I mean we can pretty much get a job.

Emerson: You know I read about a 12 year old who snuck into the Navy. Then later he turned 14, got married and immediately became a father.


Emerson: Yup, it was in my "Teens At War" book.

Fiore: Sheesh, no wonder my cousin thinks we do this stuff.

Emerson: We could.

Fiore: Really?

Emerson: Just saying.

Fiore: 😑

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