Chapter 29: The world will never be the same

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Hey ya'll! Guess what? Zoom 9351 has asked to put my story's universe in their fanfic, unOrdinary: Crisis On Infinite Earths. I took a look at it and it was pretty cool, the author said to the other author's that they can use Crisis to their advantage so I decided to move the plot along because nothing was really happening. This is just my view so if you want the full story than read the book. BTW This universe is Earth: 200.


Something was happening, he could sense it as his ability allowed it.

Emerson: Something starnfe is going on.

Fiore: Hmm? What do you mean?

Emerson looked up and his passive was on a big high.

Emerson: Fiore do you sense something off?

Fiore: No.

Then all of a sudden, something was happening that would destroy this multicerse chain.

John: You guys, what's happening?

Sera: IDK.

Blyke: Look! Theres energy lines all over the sky!

Remi: Why?

Emerson: Wait....

Then a voice came to both Emerson and Fiore.

???: You were given Alpha abilities for a reason, you are to stop this multiverse crisis. Save it at once before other world's get destroyed!

Then the ground became unstable, those energy lines were targeting something else but they knew to stop it before it was too late.

The both activated their alpha's and started going outside to an open area.

Remi: Wait where are you too going?

Emerson: To stop a certain destruction happening to other....stuff?

Fiore: I have no idea what we are doing.

Emerson: But, we'll be OK.

They both look up to the sky, then there ability allowed them to see other dimensions, they saw and planet get destroyed.

Quickly they fully charge their abilities to the max their level would allow them, energy shot everywhere.

Then a black and red lightning bolt hit them but the have put energy shackles on their fists to the lighting bolt, it wasn't going to hit them rather it was a tail bolt to hold down the destruction beam.


John: They'll die out there!

Sera: But there must be a reason.

Energy flowed throw both of their blood streams, their vains where showing in the color blue. Their mouths were dripping with blood.


Their eyes were full of energy sparks. A aura so powerful was around them. Alpha abilities were originally design to stop a multiverse destruction, that is why the were created. The scientists forsaw the future.


Fiore: YEAH!

Then color flashes happened all around them, they tried to hold the destructor down, whatever if it was a him or a thing. They tried to hold that Black and Red bolt down then.


The bolt was set free, their hands were covered in blood. They were in a coma from the over surge of energy.

Emerson and Fiore woke up in a dark room ( In their mind, there still in a coma ), then their abilities passive activated and they saw a screen of multiple Earth's being destroyed.

They were too late. The minimum level of an Alpha stopping such destruction was 30.

Emerson was a level 15.

Fiore was a level 8.

They were too weak.

Emerson: No! What's happening!

???: It must be done to cleanse the uno-verse.

They both looked closely at these worlds and saw many odd things about them, one for instance showed Remi and Seraphina being lesbian.

Fiore: The fuck

Emerson: Lol, turns out she was the lesbian. Not you.

But then they saw it blow up.

They saw worlds with uno characters with characters from other franchises. And works that were so bizarre.

Emerson: Is that?


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Emerson: That's funny to imagine.

Fiore: No its not!

But then the saw a light bridge, connecting Earth 1 with Earth 200 ( because it stared the same exact why but 200 had a different future. )

Emerson: I see something strange all right.

Then finally they spot 4 demonic looking women deciding the fate of other world's.

Its by then they actually wake up.

John: ...guys.....guys....HEY!

Emerson: Huh, what?

Sera: Are you two OK?

Fiore: Yeah, we are.

Blyke: What's with the sad face?

Emerson: We failed.

Blyke: At what?

Fiore and Emerson both look at each other.

Emerson: *sigh* We failed our purpose with our powers. Saving the other world's from being destroyed.

Fiore: We were too underpowered.

Sera: Cuz, what are you talking about?

Fiore: Nevermind, you wouldn't understand.

Emerson: Besides there's nothing we can do anyways.

Fiore: But maybe prevent the destruction of our own universe.

Sera: John, did you give them your Valium?

John: No! I swear!

Blyke: The energy surge probably made them crazy or something. Come on, let's get you to the infirmary.

Fiore: But we-

Emerson: Fi, let em thing were tired.

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