Chapter 15: Triple Date?

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Emerson was looking at the library, he was searching for a book about the Python and Java programming language ( He really wants to become a programmer. ), Blyke too was looking for a book about how to make chicken. He wanted cook some for Remi
since she has told him before that she really likes chicken nuggets.

Emerson: Ah ha! Found you!

Blyke: What is it?

Emerson: I found a book about Java!

Blyke: You like coffee?

Emerson: No, I really don't like it. The caffeine feels weird for me. The Java I'm talking about is a programming language!

Blyke: Huh, bet they have one out pearls or something he he.

Emerson: They do! Its called Perl!

Blyke: Eh, what evs.

Emerson: What are you getting?

Blyke: Oh uh this? *shows the book he's holding* Its just a simple cookbook. I thought of making food for my girlfriend.

Emerson: Ah OK, wish you luck.

Blyke: For some reason he has been nicer to me today. Something happen?

Blyke: Hey I just remembered!

Emerson: Hm? What is it?

Blyke: Are you free Tuesday?

Emerson: Yeah why?

Blyke: I was going to invite you and Fiore to have a triple date with us.

Emerson: With who?

Blyke: John and Seraphina.

Emerson: They are our teachers, that's kinda weird.

Blyke: They are only physical ed tutors on abilities. Plus we were friends when we went to Wellston together.

Emerson: Still a little weird.

Blyke: Come on. They are just a year older than graduating age.

Emerson: Their still teens? Damn.

Blyke: Yeah, they are. So was that a yes?

Emerson: I'll ask Fiore, if she's up for it sure.

He unlocks his phone and texts her.

Emerson: *noticing he got a reply* Yeah sure.

Blyke: Great! Its gonna be so awesome.

Emerson: I assume he's an extrovert.

Emerson: Aright, then see you there.

Blyke: Wait, I never told you the time or place.

Emerson: Oh right.

Blyke: 6:30 PM at Villa Euro.

Emerson: Sounds good. Now where is that book on Android development?

Tuesday 6:30 PM at Villa Euro;

All 6 of them are sitting at a table, they have already ordered their food and are just conversing.

Blyke: So yeah, everyday Remi and I just have a movie marathon and eat KFC once a week.

John: Sounds nice.

Blyke: What about you two?

Sera: Once I week I have to give John therapy. He definity cries a lot, so I'm always there to help him.

Fiore: You probably have a very low EQ, that's probably why he still cries a lot.

Sera: Hey!

John: But that's not why. I have severe trauma issues that are impossible to fix.

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