Chapter 8: Can we be more than friends?

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Fiore was just sitting on a park bench, outside of Wellston High. She was thinking about yesterday, what could have happened. How different would she be she thought, if she just told Emerson.

Just then a leave fly's in her face.


Fiore: Ah! What is that nose?

Emerson: Sorry! Its the leaf blower.

Fiore: You have a fucking leaf blower?

Emerson: Well, its my dad's. He lent it to me so I could earn some cash.

Fiore: Well, that explains why you are never broke.

Emerson: Yeah. *checks time on his watch* Hey I have a minute, wanna talk? My hand kinda hurts from holding this for hours.

Fiore: Yeah sure.

Fiore: OK maybe I should try again? I mean he is the type of person to brush things off easily so even if I am disappointed, it won't be awkward.

Emerson: *sits* Hoo-we. That was some tough work.

Fiore: You know, you act more masculine than you think you are.

Emerson: Yeah, I know that. Mostly because I know who I am when no one is looking.

Fiore: If I were to date someone like you, would I consider to be a lesbian or straight?

Emerson: Well depends, you see it depends on the person on how they act. Maybe someone like me who wore a lot more femine clothes, you would be considered a lesbian. But if we take the same persona but they wore and act lot more masculine or in the middle like I am, then you would be straight. May I ask why you ask this?

Fiore: Well I was never interested in girls in the first place so I know I'm not lesbian.

Emerson: You didn't answer my question.

Fiore looks straight at em in the eye.

Fiore: Well, I asked because I may be in a....situation so to speak.

Emerson: Oh..OH.

Fiore: Yeah, what do you think?

Emerson: I dunno.

Fiore: You don't like me back do you?

Emerson: I do, I just never thought I could like somebody back.

Fiore: Its the 21st century, nobody cares about who you are anymore.

Emerson: I do, I need to stop putting myself through this. I need some way to show who I really am instead of hiding in this pink hoodie.

Fiore: So can we be more than friends?

Emerson: Yeah, we can.

They just sit there for a minute not doing shit.

They just sit.

And sit.

And sit.

And sit some more.

Sit for even longer. ( I can see you are frustrated as I am doing it on purpose. )

Finally with all of her courage, she leans her face over to Emerson's and kisses him.

Emerson: Wow, I uh.

Fiore: You don't have to say anything.

Emerson: I feel like I do.

Fiore: *sigh* You know, you are the first person I ever liked.

Emerson: Really? That seems impossible for a girl.

Fiore: Do I act like I'm throwing up estrogen, waiting to be a Disney princess?

Emerson: No.

Fiore: Then its not impossible.

Emerson just States down at the ground.

Emerson: I shouldn't lie to her anymore. My ability, my gender. I'm not unsure of who I am, I know who I am. Though the reason for my hiding I will tell her. I better tell her now.

As soon as Emerson open their mouth, Blyke interrupted.

Blyke: Good, your here. Been looking for you.

Emerson: Why?

Blyke: I wanted to show you something.

Emerson: *getting a little suspicious* I think I know what this is, if it think what it is then if I ask can Fiore tag along and he denies it, then I know what it is.

Emerson: OK, where?

Fiore: What's going on?

Blyke: Nothing at all. Just wanted to meet you at the turf.

Emerson: Another Turf war?

Blyke: Dunno, possibly.

Emerson: Can she tag along.

Blyke: Yeah sure, she's the new queen after all. If it is a turf war then were going to need her. Perfect, she'll see his bullshit.

Fiore: Why possibly a turf war.

Emerson: Dunno, well see about that.

They both get up and follow Blyke, who is unsure of his decision.

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