Chapter 20: Arlo's statement

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Blyke and Remi are watching a movie together without a care in the world. An advertisement quickly rolled in just as the movie got interesting. ( Blyke doesn't believe in streaming and instead got cable for some reason. )

The screen starts to flicker then go to a blank white.

Remi: Is your TV OK?

Blyke: It should be.

He starts fiddling with the remote trying to fix it.

Remi: You know that won't work.

Blyke: I know, just thought it could help.

Remi: You are very bad at solving problems.

Blyke: *sigh* Tell me about it.

Then for no reason, a live video feed of the downtown area of Wellston appears.

Blyke: Wait, what's going on?

Remi: Blyke I'm scared.

Blyke: Its probably just a prank.

Then it starts flickering again.

Blyke: This TV probably needs to be replaced, I think I have a screw driver somewhere.

Remi: This wouldn't happened if you got like a Roku or something.

Blyke: Yeah yeah, whatever.

The TV finally stops and turns off.

Remi: Why did it just do that?

Blyke: I don't know?

Remi: It must be really busted.

Blyke: I remember that my Dad used to put duct tape in the back to keep it working.


Blyke: Well yeah, it still works so why get a new one?

Remi: Well that explains why you don't have streaming.

Blyke: See? Those Roku android thingys don't have these RCA cables.

Remi: Became those cables are outdated.

Blyke: Well how am I supposed to know?

Remi: You really need a class on technology.

Blyke: Why?

Remi: Because your phone is a flip phone from 2000.

Blyke: Well its still works so why buy a new one?

Remi: Because a smartphone can do a lot more.

Blyke: But they are expensive.

Remi: Blyke they literally sell 20$ smartphones at like gas stations.

Blyke: Too expensive.

Remi: 🤚😓

The TV starts smoking like crazy.

Remi: See? That thing will start a fire! Its too old!

Blyke: Wait look, something is coming on!

The TV starts to show an image of a senator's office.

Remi: Wait, isn't that?

Blyke: ASSLO?

Arlo starts to appear though the image is very fuzzy due to the fact that Arlo hijacked the signal.

Arlo: Please do not turn off your television. I have an important message. Terrorist groups have completely destroyed the buildings in which are branches of government are located. Our government has been almost completely wiped out and I fear that anarachy would arise.

Remi: OMG!

Blyke: This has gotta be fake, you know how much of an ass asslo is.

Remi: But-

Arlo: Tommorow we will regroup and try to fix the problem here. We have recently identified the terrorist group to be known as "Ember", after doing more research we have found that " Ember" was created under the previous president. He may he dead, so we cannot press charges but we can however disband this group. We can't do it alone however and I ask all of you who's level is 5 or higher to destroy these Gestapo type people as they will try to control the cities.

Blyke: Ah damn it! I thought I would get a break after John left Wellston!

Remi: Blyke, what do we do?

Blyke: I dunno, we'll just wait and see.

Arlo: Today the president and most of the senate, house and jury have been found dead. It seems that the nukes that have been used to destroy the offices were more powerful than I thought. As of now, I will be serving as the president. Thank you and goodnight.


Blyke: What? That's gotta be asslo B.S.

Remi: I don't think so.


Remi: Well, your TV now exploded.


Remi: Hey, time to get a new one finally.

Blyke: *sigh* It was held together by duct tape anyway.

Remi: I don't feel safe anymore.

Blyke: All we have to do is just destroy some "Ember" people who try to hurt us. That's all. Rember we ARE over the level of 5 so we will be OK.

Remi: But what about.....Vulcan?

Blyke: I thought she was dead by now?

Remi: But what if?

Blyke: We are much more stronger Remi, we will be fine.

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