Chapter 39: Spectre Is Shadow

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-Next Day-

Emerson and Fiore were standing in front of the Spectre building. It was not guarded for some reason and it looked lifeless.

Fiore: What happened here?

Emerson: The must have been shut down.

They walked in hoping to find that the 2nd bracelet was in there. However Emerson notices something.

Emerson: Hey look at that!

Fiore: What is it?

Emerson: It looks to be dimensional device. It is used for accessing other dimensions!

Fiore: How do you know this stuff?

Emerson: Well I saw supposed fake photos of it because I was told it was not real.

Fiore: Fuck the gov.

Emerson: And Arlo is part of it.

They decided to ignore it and keep looking, that is until Fiore accidentally triggered something.


Emerson: Fuck what did you do?!

Just then a hoard of people in black suits come in.


Then they saw Zane and Zolan.

Zolan: Ah, never thought I would see you again Fiore.

Zane: Thought you were dead Emerson.

Emerson quickly shoved Fiore out of the window, he then starts to develop energy blades on his arms and kills every soldier that charges at him.

Zane: Cocky aren't we? You know almost died against me so what makes you think you can defeat us now?

Emerson: Because I was not using all of my powers.

He then created an Energy Ghost and swooshed at Zane.

Zolan: You dare hit my brother?! You will die!

Zolan converts himself to a shadow but Emerson used an Mental Energy Barrier and that stopped him.

Zolan: HOW?!

Emerson: Because this is my true power!

He then charges a powerful ball of energy and slams it on the ground causing a earthquake for miles.

*SLAM!!! *

Zane: You will die again!!

Zane does his power again but Emerson was way too fast and boosted into him.


Zolan: But you were weak!

Emerson: I was afraid of using my ability Until Now!!!!!!

He starts screaming in pain as his oversurge is causing electricity to flow through his eyes. Sparks were flying everywhere and a huge ray of energy was shooting onto him.

He was gaining power fast, he went to a level 15.0 to











He clenched his teeth and unleashed THE most powerful energy wave he could have ever produced and completely destroyed the Spectre building.


Emerson immediately runs out and he managed to do all of this in a couple of seconds just enough to catch  Fiore

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Emerson immediately runs out and he managed to do all of this in a couple of seconds just enough to catch Fiore.

Fiorr: You asshole you kicked me out the window!

Emerson: I did that so I could protect you from my energy blasts.

The bracelet was not found but the Dimension device was activate by the flow of energy and it turned on.


Fiore: AHHH!!!!


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