Chapter 54: Ending Results

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The Shadow team has been disbanded. Many of the members are imprisoned, President Arlo was put in office for carrying on Shadow plans but he actually despised all the organizations and he officially signed the end of Ember, Spectre, NXGen and Shadow.

Jeraphina is flourishing, Blemi has been rebooted, Isen actually scored with Cecile since she agreed on a date, and the main characters are just happy to be able to live stress free again.

- Wellston High, 150th Anniversary Party -

There was decorations everywhere, music was playing, food was on the table, drinks were being offered and former students and colleges were too attending. There hasn't been a anniversary party in 3 decades but today Vaughn thought of restarting the tradition as to celebrate the end of the organizations, the return of their most powerful King ever and the revival of Wellston.

John and Seraphina were conversing with Arlo and Elaine about events and politics while Blyke and Remi were flirting with each other. Isen and Cecile started a relationship.

Laughter, talking with old friends and re-meeting each other was creating sort of a unexplainable energy to the room. John, Seraphina, Arlo, Cecile and Elaine felt as they are students again and the current students feel as if they are re-attending.

It was such a magical feeling in the room, Vaughn got up on the stage that had been built to make an announcement.

Vaughn: May I have everyone's attention please. Wellston has a had a interesting history, when Wellston was first constructed in 19∆π, we had a small and not very powerful population here at Wellston. It all changed when Rei, former student and King who is no longer with us, made Wellston the most powerful school. Our education was the best, compared to other schools and so was our pricing. During the Arlo Reign, Wellston was top-notch and had the strongest students in the region and we were undefeatable. We have had the privilege to have suck a unusual student with a ability that could copy anyone else's. He pretended to be a cripple and was the first person in history to be a cripple who was friends with a god tier. We have head a insane time with John Doe feelings of betrayal, sadness and acceptance. I believed John attending Wellston was the best thing that ever happened to him. Fast forward two years and we've had the two strongest students with abilities that were odd. They were not like ours, they have had the courage to defeat the master of all organizations and save the vigilante crisis. I am very proud of Wellston's history, thank you.

Everyone was clapping, it was true Wellston was very different compared to other schools. Everyone there was proud to be a former or current member of Wellston.

John: What a speech he gave.

Arlo: That was a good one for sure.

Sera: Wellston sure is strange.

A/N: If the speech was horrible, I am bad at speeches so I tried my best. Also I am writing this at like 5 in the morning.

Isen: Hey, have you guys seen Emerson or Fiore?

John: No.

Isen: I swear they are not here!

Arlo: So? It makes no difference.

Sera: I wonder what they are doing.

- Lywall Beach -

Emerson and Fiore are sitting down on the beach, watching the night's moon. They are not dressed up as they never planned on attending the Wellston anniversary.

Fiore: Its nice out here, it so peaceful.

Emerson: Yeah, what we needed the most.

Fiore: Do you think we should have gone to the party?

Emerson: For what? There is little to no reason to go.

Fiore: Yeah, you're right.

Fiore takes a sip of soda, she stares at the waves that are in a gentle like state.

Fiore: Its funny how life is. You can either be a human with a weird back story or just be a atom of water and just flow with the ocean.

Emerson: Yeah, you know maybe being a Alpha isn't bad at all anymore. With no more aggressors, basically just have a simple ability like everyone else.

Fiore: That's awesome, now I don't feel like a weirdo.

Emerson: But why be everyone else? I like us being weirdos. We stand out, we are different and that's what we should be.

Fiore: You and your philosophy shit.

Emerson: Bitch I'm very wise.

Fiore: I know that idiot.

Emerson: *sigh* Why do we fuck with each other?

Fiore: Because we like it. Also we can fuck each other.

Emerson: Fiore, you need to stop.

Fiore: Emerson, grow some balls.

They both burst out laughing.

Emerson: You are so mean.

Fiore: I know. You're so stupid.

Emerson: Insults, why?

Fiore: Because I love you dickwad.

Emerson: I love you too you slut.

And they kiss under the moonlight.

The End.

unOrdinary: Hidden by CyberLink963

A/N: What a story! This was by far my darkest and most deep fanfic. If you haven't already please check out unordinary: Lost Ability and unordinary: Emerson & Fiore - Chatfic.

This story is not over yet, I have two sequels in the making, one is called unordinary: I do, which is the first one I'll do ( No pun intended ). The sequel is about 3 years into the future since this book and there's gonna be a lot more Jeraphina if you like that kind if stuff.

The second will be called unordinary: Hidden Powers, and will come out once I finish unordinary: I do. This one is a continuation sort of the main book. The I do book will release immediacy, probably by tomorrow or even today! So keep a lookout! Also right now I am having a Q&A so please comment any questions below and will answer them either directly or by the next last chapter!

Thank you so much for reading!


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