Chapter 19: That weird ass cat!

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2 days layer;

Emerson is sitting at table, he looks over a bunch of papers he saved up over the years. Ever since John got ambushed by another Alpha users, it got him suspicions.

He looks down and sighs, after an hour of looking though some files his mom saved for him, he finally got answer.

Project Alpha was closed 4 years after Emerson's birth. It had already been fulfilled and they thought that in 20 years, half the planet would have some sort of Alpha ability. ( You see, if a parent has an Alpha ability and the other parent has a normal ability, the resulting child would have an Alphasized version of the normal ability. Let's say like Alpha Time Manipulation. ) However, the project's research still existed, the files were found by Ember who had other ideas. They were found 14 years after the project was closed, you know how Ember was already making ability amps and deamps? Well, with the research of Project Alpha, instead of giving it to qualified babies after birth. It would instead be sold as another addicting drug that would temporary replace the receiver's ability. The worse part however was that Ember tinkered with the Alpha amp and put a chemical that made the receiver's brain go haywire. That is why John got ambushed for no damn reason other than a wallet. Because of this, Emerson and Fiore are the only people on earth who have permanent vanilla alpha abilities.

Emerson gets up, he felt as if he got too much information. Just as he heads out the door, John happened to be Emerson's footstep.

Emerson: Uh, hello?

John: Thank god you are home.

Emerson: ?

John: I thought you would be out on a date or something.

Emerson: Like I said before, I am very bad on the romance scene.

John' Can you watch my cat while Sera and I go out?

Emerson: You have a cat?

John: Yeah, I just got it for Sera. Her name is Jeraphina.

Emerson: He named his cat after his ship nickname? Uh yeah sure.

John: Thanks a lot! I can pay you when I get back!

Emerson: I'll get paid? Fuck yeah. Alright thanks.

John: I'll pick him at 6:30 OK?

John walks away and waves. Emerson sighs and puts the cat inside.

Emerson: Alright jErApHiNa, you'll he staying with me for a little while.

Jeraphina: Mreow.

Emerson: Hey don't worry I've owned cats before so I know what to do! Tell you what, you stay here and I will make you some lunch OK?

As soon as Emerson starts heading to the kitchen, a black aura tentacle starts forming around Emerson.

Emerson: John! If you are fucking with me back off or else I will fucking blow your damn brains out!

He quickly untangles himself with his ability and sees the cat's eyes glow.


The cat then glows a energy beam ( Blyke's ) and starts shooting Emerson.

Jeraphina: MREOW!!

Emerson quickly draws an energy shield.

Emerson: Jeraphina you can't do shit to me! I have an alpha!

Jeraphina: MREOW!!

Emerson: Except I can't either chase John will kill me if I hurt you. I think he's a little cookoo Jera. Look, if you deactivate that cat ability, I will give all the sausage you want.

Jeraphina: mReOw.

Emerson: *sigh* I bet you have John's ability. I mean you look exactly like him.

He tosses Jeraphina a couple of beef sausages and sits down on the floor, he turns on his Xbox and loads a game in it.

10 minutes go by and Emerson is super close to beating Sonic 2006, as he is pressing the buttons on the controller rapidly, the stupid cat activates it's ability and shoots lighting ( Remi's ) at the Xbox.


Emerson: Hey! My 360!

Jeraphina: MREOW!

Emerson: Gato I just feed you. *sigh* Well can get a new one later, at least the hard disk is intact. *puts down controller*

Emerson: I better tell John that you have an ability when he gets back.

Jeraphina: MREOOOW!! *slashes carpet*

Emerson: Why do you keep breaking shit?!

He is about to throw an energy shot in frustration until he remembered that he can't hurt Jeraphina.

Emerson: Damn it! He he, I know what to do..

He picks up his smartphone and goes through his contacts.

15 Minutes later;

Fiore opens the front door to find Emerson covered in scratches.

Fiore: What happened?!

Emerson: This damn cat has John's ability and I can't do anything about it.

Fiore: You can heal yourself you know.

Emerson: Every time I do, the cat gets super angry and jumps on me and scratches me again. I just gave up.

Fiore: You can make a barr-

Emerson: If I do, it will hurt the gato and John will get extremely mad at me. Don't want an F in Phys. Ed.

Fiore: I though you didn't care about grades?

Emerson: And I thought you would help me.

Fiore: Well looks like your even in a worse pickle than I thought.

Emerson: If this wasn't John's cat, he would have been inline by now.

Fiore: Why not get a cat cage?

Emerson: Did you hear me when I said the cat had an ability?

Fiore: I did but I didn't think it was powerful.

Emerson: I think it's a 7 like John.

Jeraphina: MREOOOOOW!!!



Fiore: Ow! The cat scratched me!

Emerson: Wait! Don't heal it! Or else the cat will attack you again!

Fiore: The cat needs to go.

Emerson: But John said he would pay me. I HAVE to take care of it.

Fiore: Well what do you want me to do?

Emerson: I thought you could help me.

Fiore: Well I never owned a pet before.

Emerson: *sigh* Well I could just dump out all of my meat out of my fridge.

Fiore: And?

Emerson: Well we could watch a movie together?

Fiore: Alright. I have nothing better to do?


*knock knock!*

Emerson opens his front door to see John and Seraphina standing there in fine clothes.

John: Hey I'm here to get my cat back.

Emerson: Thank god! Take your evil cat.

John: Did Jeraphina cause trouble?

Emerson: That cat has an ability! He caused hell around my house.

John: Damn! Jeraphina has an ability?! I got a cool ass cat! What is it?

Emerson: Yours. Now good night.


Sera: Damn he's upset, what's gotten into him?

John: Maybe he's just cranky.

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