Chapter 9: Arlo's mistake

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Emerson: There's nobody here.

Fiore: Yeah, what's going on Blyke?

Blyke signals his eyes to alert John to do something.

John: Still think its a bad idea man.

Blyke: Who's the king here? Your just a lousy tutor, do it or I'll have Vaughn fire you.

Emerson: ??

Just then, black aura handcuffs surround Fiore's wrists.

Fiore: Wait, what's going on? Why am I locked up?!

Emerson: Hey, let her go you assholes.

Blyke: No, your going to have to do it by force. Oh wait you can't, your too weak to defeat John, or I.

Blyke kicks Emerson the ground, then a shockwave of electricity hits Emerson.



Blyke: Go ahead defend yourself, with your lousy ability.

Remi: Wait Blyke are you doing what I think your doing?!

Emerson gets himself up when a powerful punch hits him in the face.

Isen: Huh, he was easy.

Blyke: Strange, a tier 6 wouldn't give up this easily.

Emerson: Because, I'm not. I'm a 15 and you just made a terrible mistake.

He surges his power through his body and charges up every cell. He stares straight at Blyke, ability manipulation, the works most powerful ability can do almost anything the user desires. He converts the color of his hoodie from light pink to dark blue.

Emerson takes one more look and then moves around the spped of sound and creates an energy ring around Blyke

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Emerson takes one more look and then moves around the spped of sound and creates an energy ring around Blyke. Blyke tries to shoot it but alas, because his ability is made up of physical energy, Emerson catches it and surges himself with it.

Blyke: Shit it didn't work?!

Emerson: Besides! A tier 6 shot wouldn't do shit to me!

A leaps in the air and commands a beam of unstoppable energy to Blyke from his arm.


Blyke: Ah!

Fiore: Wait what?! That's his ability?!

Emerson starts talking In a more natural deep voice.

Emerson: It is Fiore, I'm sorry to lie to you. I'll tell you later.

Remi tries shoot lightning at Emerson, at least to stun him. It didn't work, instead she helped his ability.

Emerson: When will you ever realize nothing works on me!

Isen tries to punch Emerson's head, Emerson immediately catches it.

Emerson: I move faster than light bitch.


Emerson put a powerful bundle of energy and forced it into his hand causing a very powerful punch.

John: Hey dude calm down!

Emerson: You. Let her go, or else I will destroy you.

John doesn't hesitate to let Fiore go.

Emerson quickly moved his arm, releasing a energy blade and slashing John's torso.

John: Agh! Why?!

Emerson: Fuck. All. Of. You.

He charges his whole body with energy and creates a large energy explosion, doing very harmful damage to everyone. Except Fiore and Emerson who he kept in a force field.

Emerson: Let's go.

Fiore: Wait what just happened?!

Emerson: I'll tell you later.

He teleports them back to Wellston High. Leaving the rest.

Blyke: Ugh, John why did you not copy it so we could at least not get injured further with a force field?

John: I-I couldn't, his ability is like no other! It was impossible to copy it!

Blyke: I see. John, use whatever left of a healing ability you have and try to heal those two. Do me later.

John: Yeah, OK.

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