Chapter 21: Team Radeon

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Seraphina is shopping around Wellston mall alone, she really wanted to surprise John with some new clothes since he pretty much wears the same thing. She spent hours at Forever 69 ( lol. ), Victor's Secret and Gape.

Sera: Why are there so many inappropriate knock-off stores at Wellston mall? What happened to the real stuff?

She sighs as she sips her Moondollars coffee, wondering why all of a sudden that Wellston mall replaced the stores with cheap rip off versions. ( It used to have F. 21, Victoria's, Gap and Starbucks but the Ember Dictorship Regime has replaced them with Commie counterparts. )

Just then a group of police officers walk around supporting the Ember logo on their vests, looks around for suspicious activities.

Seraphina just walks a litter faster confused what's going on, she feels as if she visited another dimension or something. ( She hasn't watched President Arlo's broadcast. )

She tries not use her ability in case the getting hit by a van incident happens again. She grasps her torso with both rs really scared for some reason.

Sera: Why am I so filled with fear? Something is really off.

She is so scared that she feels like she is going to throw up, she is almost there to the exit when she glimpses the group of Ember officers.

Sera: Does that say....Team Radeon? Whats that supposed to me?!

Just as she opens the door she slams right smack into John.


John: Oh sorry Sera!

Sera: OMG Did I hurt you!?!

John: Its fine, I can heal it. You don't have to overreact.


John uses Seraphina's ability just to heal the bruise on his head. Sera just realized that she had triggered those Officers. Her intuition told her that they were looking for them, and she was right.

They all look at them with a demonic grin on their faces.

John looks extremely confused why Seraphina is worried and there are strange looking guards.

John: Sera? What's going on?

Sera: R-

But before she could say run, one of the officers stopped her dead in her tracks, she glanced around her and saw that this was the only person with purple color streaks in their hair.

It turns out that he was an Ember Alpha.

Vurge: I think you but stop misssss.

Sera: Why? What did I do?

John: ?

Vurge: You have something really precioussss to ussss.

John quickly remebers some kid's ability to understand abilities, after a quick read, he realized that this person had a Anti-Time ability. Which was why he was able to stop Sera.

Sera: I do not!

Vurge: Seraphinaaaa. Join usssss assss a member of Team Radeon, then we can unleash your true potential.

John quickly realizes that this was Ember IN PUBLIC. He uses Vaughan's ability to quickly trap Vurge, but it did not work.

Vurge: You and your useless normal abil-



A blue entity right smacked homing attacked Vurge and knocked him unconscious. John immediately knows who it is.

Emerson: Y'all must really believe in this alpha myth huh.

Emerson had a pair of AirPods on and some casual clothes, he was supposed to be doing errands not saving them two.

John: Uh thank you?


Emerson: Let me tell you two something, I am the only alpha with a high tier PLUS I'm a vanilla alpha too so these fuckos don't really have a good grasp on these temporary alpha powers. You can easily defeat them.

Sera: WHAT?!

The three completely forgot about the other officers who were ready to shoot but John and Sera quickly got them out with Time Speed.

Emerson: See? No please don't get in anymore trouble because I have shit to do.

John: Uh, rude.

Sera: I think Fiore told me he is like that.

John: Well whoever this "Team Radeon" is, we better stay alert. But its strange that Ember did something in PUBLIC.

Sera: Strange.

Then Sera's phone got a notification and she quickly checked it. It was from Remi, she had sent a recording of Arlo's statement.

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