Chapter 38: Powerful Reboot

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Fiore: *cough! * EMERSON?!

Emerson was in a coma, though it wasn't because he was weak but because his Energy Restart was way too powerful for his body.

Fiore: *tugging him* Oh fuck did you get attacked by a shadow user too?!

No response.

Fiore: Fucking shit I should have not brought that braclet!!! He could defended himself!!

? : It's OK.

Fiore: What?

? : It's fine. I'm just in a coma, I am. NOT dead. Luckily for me my Energy allows me to communicate mentally.

Fiore: Wait you are alive?!

Emerson: Of course I am. Now to get me up.

Fiore: How?

Emerson: Energy Reboot.

Fiore: Isn't that the same as Energy Restart?

Emerson: No. Restart reflows and over surges energy. Reboog reboots a person in a coma or has died of a physical wound.

Fiore starts using a Energy Reboot on him and it immediately works.

Emerson: *cough* Fuck. That damn Shadow hurt. I should have been able to *cough* defeat him because I am a Alpha.

Fiore: Well so have I and the only thing that worked was this bracelet.


Fiore: So are you dumbass. Actually worse.

Emerson: Tis but a scratch. *uses a Energy Heal. *

Fiore: Wait you can do that?

Emerson: At level 8.5 yes.

Fiore: OH. Well can you do me?

Emerson: Of course. *heals her* I have a feeling that those shadow atta ms are part of Team Shadow.

Fiore: Team Shadow?

Emerson: Yeah, a team dedicating to upgrading Uru abilities. That's why they both were URU+ types.

Fiore: I see.

Emerson: We better head inside instead of sitting on the grass.

They both head inside both of them exhausted from the difficult battle.

Emerson: Fiore, we need another bracelet.

Fiore: But where?

Emerson: Well, I have seen one at the Spectre organization. They seem to have no clue what it is.

Fiore: OK, but can we get it tomorrow?

Emerson: OK sure.

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