Chapter 49: He's No More

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She held his lifeless body up against her chest, holding him. She cried as she looked at his favorite blue hoodie, which was now covered in blood stains. His arms were leaking with blood and his face looked like it had seen better days.

Fiore: Emerson....please get up.

She tried shaking him but it didn't work.

She soobed as she stared at his face, his last expression looked like he was in a lot of pain.

Fiore: Emerson, please don't leave me....

She gave him a kiss and just hugged him even she cried harder, her tears dripped on his face.

The doctors tried to pick him up and get him immediate help, she sat there lonely and sad. She got up and just sat down at a chair had her hands in her face as she sobbed.

- 10 Minutes later -

Fiore was sent home due to the damage of the hospital rooms, she sat on Emerson's bad still red-eyed. She spotted Emerson's phone on the counter, she picked it up and for some reason it's touch lock recognized Fiore's fingerprint. ( Maybe he managed to copy it and make a energy recreation of her fingerprint just in case? ) She found on their photos of them, and barely any apps. She also found his playlist which she gave a listen to just to see what he was thinking. Hearing these rock songs feel like they were relatable to Emerson, she understood why he liked these.

Her own phone got a notification and she quickly checked it, hoping for good news. It was a text from one of the doctors. He was confirmed dead.

She held her mouth and was back to her sobbing state.

She never really like anyone her whole life unlike her cousins and friends. She was always a loner ( Probably because of her personality ) and thought she always was until she attended Wellston.

She was afraid of being lonely again and possibly for ever. They were a great couple, it was possible that they were soulmates. Never really fought and always agreed on everything and was industrious. However everything started going downhill when the attempted Ember revolution started and now the crisis of the Shadow organization.

She put away her phone and started breaking things in their house, one by one she screamed how it was never fair and he never deserved this.

- 8 Hours Later, Wellston High -

Everyone decided to avoid her, they knew what she was going through. Not only that but the hierarchy was also in chaos as there was no King. Fiore did not attend any classes as she knew if she just looked at that one empty seat once she would break down, she did not want to embarrass herself and she wanted to stay the firm queen as everyone saw her as.

She left the building looking as she had a face of disgust when really she was faking it. She sat down on a park bench on campus and just stared at sky. She still had his phone so she was going to play his playlist again when Seraphina walked up to her.

Sera: Hi, cuz. Are you OK? *gentle tone*

Fiore: No, I'm not. Go away.

Sera made time stop except for her and Fiore and sat down next to her.

Sera: Time is stopped so pretty much no one can interfere, I'm sorry about what happened.

Fiore: Its not fair! He did not deserve to die! Why did he die so young?!

Sera: Yeah, you see not too long ago, Remi had a sibling that died to Ember because he had a gift. I'm sure the same thing happened to him.

Fiore: Well I thought we were going to get married, have a family, a house with a white picket fence and grow old together but guess that is now down the toilet. *sniff*

Sera: Its OK to cry, let it out.

Fiore started sobbing again and Seraphina pulled her closer to give her a hug. Seraphina could understand her pain, during the Joker arc it had felt the John she knew died.

Fiore: I don't understand *sniff* He was so powerful! Why couldn't I do something?!

Sera: Its not you're fault.

Fiore: If I was stronger, I could have attempted to revive him!

Sera: But even he had limits in doing so.

Fiore: I don't want to fucking hear that!

She clenched her fist and her teeth, she started turning her sadness to anger. She won't to punch something so bad.

Sera: Since I work here, I'm going to give you a week off. That's the maximum I'm allowed to give you, so please take it and have some rest.

Fiore nodded and she hugged her cousin and got up and left. She had two keys in her hand. One for her old dorm and the other was the apartment they lived together in. She chose the latter and walked inside. Turning on the TV she sat down and started watching really sad movies and was eating excessively, she wasn't worried about getting fat as she had a fats metabolism.

She spent the whole day doing this, hour after hour she just watched these movies so she wouldn't think she was the only person in the world sad.

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