Chapter 41: Worst

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- Next Day -

Everyday he thought, was always bad for him. He never got a break and now has to find artifacts which he believes are useless. He glares at LA-Emerson, wondering if he really was just some illusion or something. He sighs and looks at his arms, which still have tiny marks from the blood vessels he popped.

LA-Emerson: Hey whats the matter?

Emerson: It's nothing, I'm fine.

LA-Emerson: Aren't you my counterpart? I would understand.

Emerson: No you wouldn't.

LA-Emerson: OK but.

Emerson: Fine, do you ever over surge your ability?

LA-Emerson: No, what's that?

Emerson: It's when I use my ability to the max and it becomes dangerous for me.

LA-Emerson: Uh, you seem like you don't have the same ability as me.

Fiore: I'm sure you do but you never learned how to, which is a good thing.

Emerson: I could stop over surging if I master my ability.

Fiore: OK so what do we need?

LA-Emerson: Hmm, I think we would need like I dunno a Zone Ruby?

Emerson: I swear you are crazy.

LA-Emerson: I will show you that I am not.

Fiore: OK, can you get it?

LA-Emerson: Yeah sure.

He blasts away in hopes of finding it leaving them two alone.

Emerson: Why did this happen.

Fiore: Team Shadow and this.

Emerson: Fiore, after we fix this. We have to do something and completely stop this. We have a life you know and we can't waste it worrying. That's what happened to John and Seraphina and know they have mental issues.

Fiore's face saddened when she heard about this, she never faced their daily problems before and now has to comprehend it.

Fiore: Yeah, guess your right.

He clenched his fists and closes his eyes in frustration.

Emerson: Why do we have to find "artifacts" anyway, I am a alpha user and I'm sure I can fix this.

Fiore: Emerson. You have to stop being so angry.

Emerson: Why? I never had a normal life ever. And I blame my ability.

Fiore: Stop it. I'm sure everything will be fine. Your ability is permanent so don't act like you can throw it away and maybe you shouldn't get involved with things anymore. You didn't have to save a burning city a year ago. You didn't have to be involved with Ember. Everything you chose.

Emerson: But they are doomed without me. I can't just let them die.

Fiore: Emerson, I think you have a codependency.

He hated himself, but he never thought why for a reason. He turned his head to look at the ground, he never realized that he never needed to do those things.

Emerson: Yeah, your right. But I can't stop now. We have this.

Fiore: Well it seems easy. Just grab 4 things that are powerful.

Emerson: *sigh* Just 4.

Oit of suprised LA-Emerson jumped out of nowhere holding a Zone Ruby.

LA-Emerson: He he, got it.

Emerson: Wow, I didn't think that was real.

LA-Emerson: Some stuff exists in my world that doesn't there. I bet you have no Dr. Orville.

Emerson: Uh, he's a Doctor who won a Noble prize for curing cancer and aids. He has found cures for things that were thought to be impossible.

LA-Emerson: Not true for me.

Fiore: Well, now what.

LA-Emerson: Grab another artifact.

Emerson: Why'd you say it like this stuff is normal for you.

LA-Emerson: It is, trust me. I think Fiore might have a clue I'll call her.

Emerson: This is so stupid, ugggghhh... Worst part is that my counterpart is like some superhero mentality. I never thought that of myself.

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