Chapter 31: Progress

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- Boys Dorm -

Emerson and Fiore were sleeping in one bed. ( No, they did NOT do what your dirty mind thinks they did. ) There were sharing mostly because they were watching a movie together and they fell asleep.

Emerson: *yawn* Ugh, what do I feel sore?

He then opens his eyes to find Fiore's head on his chest.

However he isn't shocked at all, mostly because his emotions don't actually when he wakes up. He decides to fall back asleep when.


It woke both of them up.

Fiore: Ugh, what was that noise.

Emerson gets out of bed and rubs his eyes.

Emerson: Happens every morning.

Fiore: You too?

Emerson: What do you mean "you too?"?

Fiore: Well, my dorm is near a training field.

Emerson: Well if you thought you would get good sleep, think again. I too am near a training field.

Fiore unlocks her phone to see the time.

Fiore: Its 5:30.

Emerson: Well, this happens twice a week. Plus they do it all night.

Fiore: Huh.

Emerson: We might as well stay up.

Fiore: But I don't want to.

Emerson: 🤔

Fiore: If you make one more stupid face then I'll punch you.

Emerson: Do you have a little strength left?

Fiore: Enough to punch you.

Emerson: uh OK. My parents left me an apartment for when I get older but I still have they keys to it. We could move in together, it would fix our sleeping problems.

Fiore: That was a awful a lot of " We should move in together "

Emerson: Well, we are not adults.

Fiore: Yet.

Emerson: Well do you wanna? *scratching the back of his head*

Fiore: Well, I'm tires and I want some sleep so sure why not.

After 10 minutes of grabbing stuff from their dorms to the apartment, they finally got some sleep.

- Next Day, Wellston -

Blyke: Dammit! I got a C!

Isen: C stands for Cunt.

Blyke: Oh shut up Isen!

They walk pass Emerson and Fiore.

Blyke: Huh, what's wrong with them?

Isen: I dunno. Hey look I got a B-!


Isen: B stands for Bitch.

Blyke: I assume A stands for Asshole.

John and Sera were just walking out the door when the spot them too heading out as well.

John: Hey! Were heading out the same way!

Emerson: huh.

John immediately notices something.

John: Hey, what's wrong with you two? You seem really sick.

Emerson: We stayed up all night.

Sera: Doing what?

Fiore: Our dorms would allow us to get sleep, we had to move asshole.

Sera: Move?

Emerson: Yeah, we moved into a new place.

John: Together?

Emerson: They are adults and they are still intrested in teen drama?

Emerson: Yup.

After that akward conversation, they go home to catch up on some sleep.

- Next Day -

They finished moving their stuff, Fiore was playing on an Xbox while Emerson was too busy staring into space.

Fiore: Dammit there's no internet again!

Emerson: Oh right, I have to buy a new router. My old one has always been acting up.

Fiore: Well, I'm done staring at a TV anyway. What do we do?

Emerson: I dunno.

Fiore: We are in a situation.

Emerson: Maybe we can do some stuff that we wanted to do but never actually do it.

Fiore: Let's go do something stupid.

- Wellston, After school hours -

Seraphina was just finishing locking up the gates for summer when she spot Emerson and Fiore making out, air-humping. ( They thought that from afar it would look like the real thing. )
Sera immediately gave them a thumbs up and walked away.

As soon as she left they burst out laughing on the floor.

Fiore: She actually thought!😂

Emerson: And a ducking thumbs up?!😂

Fiore: We are so fucking stupid.

Emerson: Well, could have been worse.

In my book, there will be relationship development between Emerson and Fiore. If you came looking for another primary jeraphina book then you came to the wrong place.

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