Chapter 6: Weird

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Remi: How come you wanted me to tag along?

Sera: Well, your the only person I can talk to who is not weird or has the hots for me.

Seraphina and Remi are walking down the street, near the place where Seraphina caught Emerson.

Remi: Is this a record office?

Seraphina takes a look up and sighs.

Sera: Yes.

Remi: Why would you need to go there?

Sera: I need to look up one of my students, he seems suspicious.

Remi: Who?

Sera: I-I can't tell you.

Remi: Why?

Sera: I'm afraid he'll go berserk.

Remi: Do you not realize that you are like a tier 8?

Sera: I do, but...

Seraphina immediately shuts her mouth when Emerson and Fiore are near.

Remi: Wait, is it about?

Seraphina nods.

Remi: Strange, you also just called Emerson a he.


Remi: Damn you don't have to be loud. Even if Emerson heard you I'm sure he wouldn't care that you afflicted a gender word to him.

Sera: Except that he is a he. But why is he hiding so much?

Remi: Oh by the way, the office is closed.

Sera: Huh. Too bad.

Remi: You wouldn't find any record of him anyway. I heard he was homeschooled.

Sera: Interesting, like John said, that was a lie.

Remi: Except he actually proved it.

Sera: Oh, that's something.

Remi: Why are you afraid if Emerson?
He is a tier 6! I'm sure you can beat his Proton shots easily!

Sera: But the...never mind.

Remi: Girl just tell me. Are you on your period again?

Sera: Just fuck it. *she leaves*

Remi: Hey where are you going?!

Sera: Away from you. *uses her ability to leave Remi's sight.*

Remi: Yup shes on her period. Why would Seraphina be afraid of someone who is two levels weaker than her?

Meanwhile, at Emerson's dorm;


Emerson: Damn it! That was my last life! Another 20 minute loading screen! UGH!


Emerson: Come in!

*opens door*

Fiore: You could at least have the decency to open the door for me.

Emerson: Uh huh.

Fiore: Why are you so annoyed?

Emerson: Because my dumbass thought it was a good idea to play Sonic 06.

Fiore: Why may I ask?

Emerson: Because it looks and plays like a Sonic Adventure game but these levels and loading times suck!

Fiore: Well that explains a lot.

Emerson: About what?

Fiore: Why you are a little annoyed lately.

Emerson: Good, she thinks I was annoyed for a month because of some stupid game.

Emerson: Yeah, *puts down PS3 controller* I'll play a different game *turns on 360*

Fiore: Maybe you should stop playing video games.

Emerson: *already playing Sonic Generations* Why? I've got nothing better to do.

Fiore: *sits next to Emerson* Maybe you do?

Emerson: I honestly don't, I don't have a life other than Wellston. I don't even have a dog to take care of!

Fiore: True but...

Emerson: But? *turns off TV*

Fiore: Its nothing.

Emerson: Its not if you wasted your breath on it.

Fiore: Ah never mind. It was stupid anyway.

Fiore: What was I thinking?! Are you really gonna risk losing a friendship over..... A relationship?

Fiore: I should go.

Emerson: Why? You just got here.

She already left.

Emerson: Damn, Time abilities are fast.


Fiore: What am I thinking! He's non-binary remember! He probably doesn't even like you anyway! This situation is so weird! Even if it were to happen, would I be considered half lesbian or what? Just stop it! What was I thinking?!

No one was paying attention and Seraphina and Fiore right smacked into each other.

Seraphina: Ow! Sorry.

Fiore: Ah, its my fault.

Sera: Not it was my. I've got uh, tutor stuff to do. Uh see ya.

Fiore: Uh OK? Wonder if she doesn't like staying at Wellston as a tutor.

Emerson doesn't realize it but two woman are both thinking about they, one way or another. In the minute Fiore leaves however Emerson poured gasoline on his copy of Sonic 06 and when no one was looking, used his "hidden" ability to set it on fire.

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