Chapter 35: Let me tell you

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I am SUPER SORRY for not updating in forever! You see my main phone, a Galaxy Note 3 had an Android 10 Q rom I installed on it and the other day the phone go wet. I dry it but the rom won't boot and my PC is in storage so I couldn't be able to reinstall my rom until a week from now. Anyways I can at least keep writing on a spare Galaxy S5 I have.

Emerson: Thank god we're out.

Fiore: OK, now tell me.

Emerson: Well you see, u dreamed that I was withstanding some dark group of people and my ability was for some reason underpowered. Then I saw my bracelet and everything went black. I then woke up.

Fiore: That was pretty bland.

Emerson: Well, I'm not very good at giving details.

Fiore: Obviously.

Emerson: Anyways, I think this bracelet is going to be handy in the future but I don't know why.


Blyke was on the library computer fucking around as usual.

Isen: Dude, are you watching porn or something?

Blyke: No. I'm just bored.

Isen: Well don't waste your life on that computer.

Blyke : Isen fuck off, I'm still a royal so I still do whatever the fuck I want.

Isen: Well since your going to still be on the Internet, there's a viral video I want you to see.

Isen quickly snatches the keyboard and types a link from memory.

Blyke: Dude! How did you memorize a link but you can't do math?

Isen: Dunno. Anyways look.

He pops open a video from yesterday where Fiore and Emerson scared the Shit out a John with the Sonic suits.

Blyke: *Watches the video* The fuck did I just saw?

Isen: And we remember John as being this scary asshole.

Blyke: Who's afraid of.....Sonic? Why?

Isen: Dunno.

All of a sudden, the library cuts off the Internet.

Blyke: Hey!

Librarian: YOU Have used 1,000,000GB of Internet this week! You will no longer be allowed to use the computer for a month!


Blyke: Watch porn.

Isen: :(

Blyke: Eh, whatevs. I'll just use the Internet at home.

Both of them leave, Isen however is running for his life. ( That coward )

Blyke: Dude why are you scared.

Isen: Because one time the librarian spanked me with a donut!

Blyke: The

Isen: Yes!!!

Blyke: Why?

Isen: I was too loud.

Blyke: You still got spanked by a donut.

Isen: Yes...the trauma.

Blyke: Do you hear yourself?

Isen: The pain.

Blyke: Dude you are 18 years old and you got a donut.

Isen: It's not funny.

Blyke: It is now. Imma post it on our school paper. I am a royal after all.

Isen: No!! Not unless the other royals say no! *texts them*

Blyke: *smirk* So what'd they say?

Isen: They said " Go fuck yourself and we are posting it on national news. " How?!

Blyke: Emerson probably knows how to write on news websites or something.

Isen: Oh dear God please no!

Blyke: oop, look *unlocks phone* " Local Wimpy Beta Cuckold Male Gets Spanked By Donut. " it's on national news on the Internet.

Isen: NOO!!! WHY ME?!?!

Blyke: Because you are stupid.

Librarian: Do I hear yelling?! DO YOU WANT ANOTHER GLAZED SPANK?!

Isen: AHHH!!! NOO!!!

Blyke: *sigh*

AHHH!!! THIS S5 IS SO UNCOMFORTABLE!!! I MISS MY NOTE 3!!!!! Don't worry it will return. Also yes I am using an 8 year old galaxy as my main phone. When you know what I know, it can last you forever. Like I installed Android 10 on it and maybe 11 later.

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