Chapter 3: Something new again

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Isen: OOF! Ugh, shit. You hit me hard.

Emerson and Isen just had a title match, Emerson ultimately won since they was basically two points higher. Emerson would not normally agree to this but did it just to give himself a cofindence boost.

Emerson: Sorry! Are you OK?!

Isen: Ah, just need a trip to the infirmary. Least your not like John who fights till you die.

Emerson: Jeez, sounds like an asshole. Here let me help you.

Emerson helps walk the former Jack to the infirmary.

Emerson: There, see you later.

Isen: Thanks.

Fiore runs up to they.

Fiore: So... I hear your the new Jack!

Emerson: Yeah.

Fiore: Smart move, it would have been confusing if you chose to be King or Queen.

Emerson: Yeah, right.

Blyke: Nice fight you out up.

Emerson: Thanks.

Blyke: Glad to have you as the Jack. Isen was getting a bit annoying.

Emerson: 😅 Uh yeah, whatever.

Blyke: Your now called as Emerson now?

Emerson: Yeah, Fiore thought of it for me.

Blyke: Good to have a real name. Since your part of the hierarchy, let me give you some tips on what you can and cannot do.

Blyke speaks about everything to Emerson.

Emerson: C-cool. Sounds like a lot.

Blyke: Yeah, hey. Tell that Fiore girl that she may have a chance against Remi. She's not that far off you know.

Emerson: Uh, will do.

Blyke: Remix has been queen for years now. With Seraphina now gone for good, I think Remi's chance if taking a brake is lost for her until now.

Emerson: She's exasuted?

Blyke: Yeah, I think you would do her a favor by telling Fiore.

Emerson: Yeah, OK!

Blyke: Plus, it would be nice to have Time Manipulation on our roster again. By the way, with your Proton Shot ability, Wellston will unstoppable again. Hunter ain't gonna do shit but basically target. The only one who can home right is Sonic The Hedgehog.

Emerson: OK.

Blyke: Well, see you around. There's a turf war in a week so I want to let you know.

Emerson: OK! What is a turf war?

Blyke: Basicly two schools fight each others hierarchies to see which is better.

Emerson: Sounds like fun.

Blyke: It is if you win.

Blyke walks away to grab a coffee.

Emerson: Turf War? Sounds horrible. *shakes his head*

He walks back over to Fiore who is trying to fix the handle on her locker.

Fiore: Good you're here. Lend me a hand.

Emerson: Oh, sure. *holds the handle*

Fiore screws it in.

Fiore: Thanks.

Emerson: Oh I just remembered, Blyke asked me if I could ask you if you wanted to take over as queen.

Fiore: That's ridiculous.

Emerson: She's a 5.4, your a 5.2 plus she is exhausted from being Queen to the point that I think she'll just hand it to you.

Fiore: Are you sure?

Emerson: You would be doing the queen a favor.

Fiore: Yeah, I'll ask her.

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