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"Hanako-kun?" Hanako watched Nene push open the door. She smiled as she walked in. "Hi, Hanako-kun."

"Hey, there, Yashiro." Hanako handed her the mop. She sighed but kept smiling. "Yashiro, are you okay?" Hanako asked, quizzical. "You usually complain more."

"Oh. It's just that . . . I don't mind cleaning if you're here." She blushed and began mopping. Hanako stared at her.

"What?" She paused mopping. "Is there--"

"Was that a confession?" Nene blushed harder.


"'Cause if so, it was kinda weak." Hanako cleared his throat. "Lemme show you how it's done."


"Nene Yashiro, I love you! Please go out with me!" Hanako declared. 

Yashiro.exe has stopped working

He grabbed Nene's hands, and she dropped the mop. "You're supposed to answer," Hanako whispered, guiding her on what to do." 

"W-what?" Nene blushed harder. "O-okay, yes, I'll go out with you." She grinned. Hanako did the same.

"Now, do you know what comes next?" Nene shook her head.

Before she could move, Hanako had her trapped in a kabedon.


"This is what happens next." Hanako leaned forward until his face was lined up with his assistant's. Nene's eyes were wide.

Before Hanako could lean forward, Nene closed the gap herself, much to the surprise of both Hanako and Nene.

They leaned into each other, both enjoying it deeply.

Without thinking, Nene's hand reached for the ghost's gakuran. Hanako caught it and pulled away. "Woah, slow down there, you Dirty Daikon." Seeing his assistant's blushing face, he grinned. "Well, if you want."

He slowly began to unbutton the gakuran.


Nene sat straight up, her heart pounding. Glancing around, she saw that she was in her room.

"Oh my gosh . . ." she flopped back down again, blushing fiercely.


Not too far away, another sat up quickly.

Hanako hadn't fallen asleep in years. But, there he was, waking up on the windowsill.

Then he remembered his dream. Hanako blushed.

His dream had gone a little further than Nene's.


Hanako, you hentai!

Thanks to @Doughnutboi for the awesome Yashiro.exe line!

By the way-- I'm looking for requests! I'll do fluff and angst, but no lemon or lime. I really want to do a request story. Don't worry-- this won't get in the way of me writing The Rat and The Radish: The Sequel!

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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