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A/N: This oneshot is full of confessions and spicy kisses. Enjoy!

"Yashiro, let's play truth or dare!"

Nene stared at him.


"Hmm? Why?"

"Yeah, Senpai, let's play!" Kou appeared in the doorway.

"Mhh, truth or dare . . . I'll play," Mitsuba said, appearing in the mirror.

"What--" Hanako frowned.

"I'll play with Amane!" Tsukasa grinned, appearing next to Kou.

"Can I join?" Mei asked, pushing through Kou and Tsukasa and entering the room.

"Why are you all in my bathroom?!?" Hanako threw his hands out. The gathered group laughed.

"I guess I'll play," Nene smiled.

Hanako led his assistant to the windowsill where they sat down. Mitsuba climbed out of the mirror and perched on one of the sinks, Kou standing next to him. Mei and Tsukasa both sat on the floor and leaned their backs against the stalls.

This is oddly perfect-- my two favorite ships between my friends!

Nene smiled. She couldn't get over how cute Mei and Tsukasa would be, and Mitsuba and Kou as well.

"Alright, I'm going first," Mitsuba said. Hanako frowned.

"I suggested it! Plus, we're in my boundary." Mitsuba smirked.

"Hmm, fine. You'll never know what I had in mind~"


"Nene-chan, truth or dare?" Tsukasa interrupted. Nene blinked.

"A-ah, truth."

Better safe than sorry-- who knows what Tsukasa would make her do?

"Hmm . . . Nene-chan, is your crush in this roooooom?" Tsukasa grinned as Nene exploded in blush.

"Y-Yes, they a-are . . ."

Hanako and Kou exchanged death glares.

"Okay. Um, Mei-chan, truth or dare?" Nene asked. Mei considered it.


"Do you like Tsukasa-kun?" Nene smiled. This was perfect revenge.

"D-Dare," Mei said, blush spreading over her cheeks.

"Hmm, is someone embarrassed?" Tsukasa grinned and leaned towards the flustered girl, playing with one of her messy braids. Mei blushed harder.

"You picked dare . . . I don't know . . . any ideas, Hanako-kun?" Nene asked, consulting the ghost next to her. Hanako grinned.

"Can I pick?" Hanako asked her. Nene nodded.


"No. 4 has to kiss Tsukasa!"

Mei exploded in blush. Tsukasa didn't seem fazed.

"I can finally see if kisses taste like lemon!" he grinned.

Before Tsukasa could continue, Mei gave the ghost a quick peck on the cheek. Tsukasa's jaw dropped.

"Hey! That wasn't fair!" Tsukasa pouted. "I didn't get to taste it!"

Mei didn't look at him.

"Tsukasa-kun, don't worry! You'll find out sooner or later!" Nene reassured the depressed ghost. Tsukasa grinned.

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