PETALS (Part 2)

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(A random Hananene picture I have saved on my computer--art not mine!)

Requested by @molarloo :)

It wasn't like she was trying to keep it a secret--Nene just wasn't sure how to tell anyone.

Yep, I'm in love with a hottie from Astralregnum who's probably out of my league. Plus, I'm probably dying slowly from a made-up disease. Fun, right?

But she wasn't really sure what else to do. Her closest friend and cousin, Aoi, was visiting another kingdom.

So she just tried to suffer through the constant hacking and overload of flowers. Nene tried to hide in her room, but Amane's frequent training made it impossible.

"Yashiro!" he called, banging on the door. Nene slipped her head under her pillow, trying to ignore him.

"Go away."


Amane's voice was much closer.

Nene's eyes flew open to see Amane sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Boo," he said half-heartedly.

Nene jumped up. "How did you get in?! The door was locked!"

"Yes, well, I wouldn't be a very good warrior if a locked door could stop me, would I?"

Nene bit her lip. "I guess?"

"Come on." Amane stood and smiled. "We have work to do."

"Could I change first?"

"Sure, go right ahead." Amane sat back down again.


"'No' what--"

"Get out!" Nene threw a pillow at the perverted boy.

"Fine, fine." Amane sighed and slipped out of her room.

Nene pulled on a tunic and skirt--shorter than normal, so she could be properly active, but still falling to her knees.

"Alright, you can--"

Amane threw the door open. "Yashirooo~ You ready to train?"

"It's Your Highness to you."

"Mhhm. Here, we can compromise: Your Yashironess. Happy?" Nene rolled her eyes and let out a laugh. "Sure." Amane motioned for Nene to follow him out of the room.

Nene took a step before she started coughing.

"Are you okay?!" Amane quickly moved to her as Nene crumpled, overcome by her hacking. "Your Yashironess?"

Despite the lack of air, Nene still managed to giggle. "A-Amane--"

Nene moved her hands to cover her mouth as the object that was currently obstructing her throat dislodged.

Three petals fluttered into her hand.

"Yashiro . . ."

Two petals were a honeyed amber. One was a deep raven.

"Hanahaki, huh?" Amane smiled sadly. "I feel you."

Nene wasn't sure how to respond. This was like an unofficial confession, and that was all he had to say? "A-Amane--"

"I guess he is kinda cute. But, still, we're siblings, so it's kinda weird--"

"Amane, what are you talking about?" Nene asked, confused.

Amane frowned. "Tsukasa, who else?"

"What the--I'm not in love with Tsukasa-kun!" Nene threw her hand up in annoyance, sending the petals flying.

"Huh?" Amane blinked a few times. "Then what--"

"Oh my god, I'm in love with you!"

One beat. Two.

Nene didn't move. Neither did Amane.

"Y-you are?" he finally asked, breaking the never-ending silence.

Nene slowly nodded. "Y-yeah."

"Well," he laughed. "This is, uh, awkward."

Oh no . . .

"Why is it awkward?" Nene asked, preparing herself for rejection.

"Because I really, really like you." Amane's cheeks quickly turned from pink to red.


Nene blushed. She began to mentally scold herself.

Really? Oh? That's it?!

"I-I mean--"

"I more than like you!" Amane said, grabbing both her hands, the flower petals on the floor long forgotten. "I l-love you! And you're--"

Nene darted forward and kissed him.

It was quick and sloppy, but a kiss nonetheless.

"Before this gets really awkward, do you wanna go train?" Nene breathed when she pulled away.

Amane nodded slowly. "Y-yeah?"

Grinning, Nene laced her fingers through Amane's. She pulled him out of her room and down the hall.

Still sitting on the floor were the three flower petals.

One amber.

One raven.

And one more amber.

The breeze from Nene's open window picked them up, and they fluttered outside.

What happened next was no longer their responsibility; it was up to Nene and Amane. 


. . . How awkward was that, amirite? XD

But~ I'd like to do a shoutout to @-sunflower_rain- for their amazing story The Pirate's Playground. It's always a pleasure to read, and I suggest you all take a look at it. 

I'm sorry for not posting in a while--Algebra has me swamped.  XD  I'm majoring in Theatre this year, so I expected to get a lot of homework for that, but I haven't got any from there yet. 

Wait, 'majoring' makes it sound like I'm in college. I'm not.  XD  I haven't even made it to high school yet!

My current musical obsession is 'A Very Potter Musical'. I plan to do a singing collab on Scratch, but I haven't set it up yet. XD Anyone else have Scratch/enjoy AVPM?

(You know, if anyone has stories they're proud of, I'd love to read them!)

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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