SAVED (Part 2)

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Nene glanced around the classroom anxiously. She wanted class to be over, but she also wanted it to last longer.


"Alright, class, there's the bell. Be careful on your way home."

Nene slowly stood and began to pack up her things, trying to milk every second she could out of this.

But, as much as she didn't want to, it would only be a few minutes before she saw her 'husband'.

Nene blushed at the thought.

"Nene-chan, are you okay?" Aoi asked. She held her friend's hand.

"Y-Yes, Aoi-chan." Nene flashed her best smile. "Thanks for asking." Aoi inspected Nene's hand.

"Nene-chan, what's this?" Aoi spun the bamboo ring that was placed on her friend's finger. Nene quickly pulled back her hand.

"Oh, it's nothing," she laughed it off awkwardly. "I have to go, Aoi-chan. See you later!" Nene raced for the old building.

She quickly moved around the corner and raced straight into Akane. They both fell to the ground.

"Akane-kun! Are you alright?" She quickly stood and offered Akane her hand. Akane sighed and took it.

"It's alright--" His glasses had fallen off, and he stared at Nene's hand. It took her a minute to realize he was staring at her ring.

Nene quickly tried to pull her hand back, but Akane held it tightly.

"What is this?!" he demanded. Nene looked away.


"Come on, we need to talk to No. 7 about this." Akane dragged Nene towards the old building.


"Oh! Yashiro and-- No. 1? What are you doing here?" Hanako asked. He was seated on the windowsill.

"No. 7, what is this?" Akane held up Nene's hand for the ghost to see. And, as if on cue, Kou burst in just as he was answering.

"See, Yashiro and I are married--"

"WHAT?!" Kou shouted, looking from the ghost to Nene and back again. He stood next to Akane and inspected the ring. "Senpai, is this--"

"Alright, that's too many boys near you," Hanako said, pulling Nene away from the two. Nene blushed as Hanako rested one arm on her waist.

If she wanted to get technical about it, then Nene was Hanako's wife. And he was her husband. And she was going to throw up just thinking about it.

"No. 7, did you seriously get married to your assistant?" Akane complained. Hanako blushed slightly, which surprised Nene. Hanako hugged Nene tighter.

"I had no choice! It was either No. 6 or I, and do you really want poor Yashiro bound to him?" Hanako asked.

"Poor Yashiro indeed," Akane muttered. He quickly exited the bathroom.

"S-Senpai . . ." Kou stared in horror at the couple. Then he quickly followed Akane.

"So . . ." Hanako spun Nene to face him. "Now that we're married, can we do it now?" Nene pushed him away.

"No, o-of course n-not!" Nene stammered. Hanako laughed at her expression.

"I was kidding. Come on, we should go see the Wonders."


"I'm glad you all could make it on such short notice," Hanako announced to the gathered Wonders.

Each in their own seat was Shinigami, Tsuchigomori, Shijima, Mitsuba, Yako, and Akane. Hanako sat on a raised dais in the middle of them. Nene was seated next to him.

"I have some very important news to share with you." Hanako looked over the supernaturals.

"Does No. 1 know?" Tsuchigomori asked. Hanako nodded.

"No. 6 does too."

"Will I care?" Yako asked, raising an eyebrow. Hanako nodded again. Taking one last breath, he glanced at Nene.

"Yashiro and I are married."

". . ."


"Yashiro-chan, you did WHAT with the brat?"

"I can't believe you married Nene-chan!"

"Congrats, No. 7 and Nene!"

"Honorable No. 7 . . . when was the wedding?"

Everyone turned to Tsuchigomori.

"That's really your question?" Yako asked. Tsuchigomori nodded.

"Yesterday," Hanako answered swiftly. "Why?"

"Because you're not fully bonded yet, so this is Yashiro-san's last chance to escape."

"What?" Nene asked, confused. Tsuchigomori sighed.

"Bonds like that need time to seal. I'd imagine that it will become irreversible tonight."

Nene was silent.

"Yashiro . . ."

"So, Yashiro-san, I'll only ask you once: Do you want to break your wedding bond with No. 7?"

No one said anything for a moment.

Could I really do that? It'd be like getting a divorce . . . but . . .


"Huh?" The gathered Wonders stared at Nene. She repeated her answer.

"No. I d-don't want that . . ."

Hanako stared at Nene. "You don't . . . want to break our bond?" Nene blushed and nodded.

"Alright, Daikon-senpai loves Crazy Knife. Can we all go home now?"

Hanako glared at Mitsuba. "Yes, go back to your boundary." Mitsuba nodded.

One by one, the Wonders disappeared. Hanako hugged Nene. When he pulled back, they were seated on the windowsill in the bathroom.

"So . . . what happens now?" Nene asked.

"Hmm . . ." Hanako puzzled over the question.

Suddenly, Nene felt a cold hand tilt her chin up. A pair of amber eyes were only inches away from her own magenta ones.

"Yashiro . . ."

Before Hanako could say anything else, Nene crashed her lips into the ghost's.

Hanako's eyes widened as Nene's closed.

When Nene pulled away, she was breathless and her face was flushed. Hanako grinned.

"Aww, does my daikon looooove me?" he asked jokingly.

"Y-yes," Nene blushed as Hanako froze.

"L-like, for r-real?" The ghost asked. Nene nodded.


"Well, then," Hanako smiled. He pulled Nene into another hug.

"I love you, Yashiro."

"I love you too, Hanako-kun." 


Aaaaaaaaadorable, right? :) This was part two of Saved, and it may be one of my favorite oneshots I've ever written.

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~ 

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