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A/N: Okay, three things: 

a) This looks like Tsunene, but it's definitely Amanene. 

b) This is a little spicy. It has a little implied lemon and a heated kiss, but that's it. Oh, and Pervy Tsukasa. But nothing too bad.

c) Thanks soooooo much to @QueenOfNewfypoos for helping with editing and writing a little when I got stuck. :D Muchas gracias! 


Nene had known from a young age that she was going to marry Tsukasa.

5 years old, to be exact.

She was the daughter of a wealthy businessman, and he was the son of a government executive.

And that was that.

But, that said, she never showed any real interest in him.


Primary School~

"Nene-chan, let's play Kakurenbo!"

"Sorry, Tsukasa-kun, I'm busy right now."

Middle School~

"Hey, Nene-chan, do you want to hang out later?"

"Um, no, sorry, Tsukasa-kun, I have plans with Aoi-chan."

High School~

"Nene-chan, please go out with me!"

". . . Tsukasa--"

"You can't say no because we're engaged!"


Nene didn't not like to be around Tsukasa. It was just that he was child-like, touch-starved, and needy.

But the worst part, the very worst part, was when he called her his wife, or said he was her husband.

Nene would be talking to some hot boy, maybe an upperclassman, when Tsukasa would butt in.

"Oh, Senpai, did you hear--"

"Oh, Nene!" Tsukasa would hurry up to her, sliding his arms around her waist. He would pull Nene against him so that their bodies were pressed together. "Nene, I've been looking all over for you!" The poor upperclassman would just stand there, blinking in confusion.

"U-uh, Yashiro-kouhai, is this--"

"I'm Tsukasa, Nene's husband!" Tsukasa would grin.

"N-no, he's not!" Nene always tried to push him away. She always failed.

And, always-always-always-always, the upperclassmen would walk away and never talk to Nene again.

"Tsukasa-kun's going to drive me mad," Nene sighed, sitting next to her friends.

It was lunch at Kamome Academy, and the one time Nene was Tsukasa-free. He sat with his friends Natsuhiko and Sakura and bothered them instead of Nene.

"You know, there's one thing you could try--" Aoi leaned forward to whisper in her friend's ear.

Nene quickly exploded in blush. "A-Aoi-chan!"

Aoi giggled. "I'm kidding, calm down!"

"Do I want to know what you guys are talking about?" Mei asked drily, sticking a still-wet paintbrush behind her ear. Despite usually being her bright and cheery self, Mei tended to act moody and depressed when Nene talked about Tsukasa. Nene suspected her friend had a crush on him.

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