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A/N: Angst with a sweet ending, plus a spicy kiss!

Nene ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and shoved her arm in her mouth, quieting the sobs that wracked her body.

Akoi grabbed her hand, twirling her around. A giggle rose to her lips, and she hugged Akoi. The sun shines in through the trees, lighting up their spot. Akoi helps her to the food he's prepared.

She battled through her thoughts, trying to think of something, anything, but Akoi. A tear fell from her eyes, dropping on the picture of her and Akoi in that very meadow.

"Smile, Nene-chan!"

Nene smiled, looking up at the camera Akoi's holding out. He clicks the camera, taking a selfie of the both of them. The camera prints, and Akoi gives her the 4'' by 6" picture. She tucks it away safely.

Nene's anger roils within her, and she throws it on the floor with all of her strength, shattering the glass frame. She slumps against the chair, Sadness overcoming her body, but not before her brain throws one more heart-shattering memory at her.

She feels safe in his arms. He smiles down at her, brushing a kiss against her cheek. "You're beautiful." she hugs him closer, melting into the happy feeling in her heart. Grinning, she closes the gap between them herself, a light kiss, for two people in love.

Nene starts shuddering, closing her eyes, even as tears stop leaking out of her eyes. She cried herself out. She's broken. She doesn't know how long she stays like that. She only moves because her body tells her it has to eat.

"You're ugly, fat and imperfect. You've changed, and I can't be with you anymore. Go to the dumps, maybe something will want you there." She didn't hear the rest, because her entire world shattered. Time slowed. She was plunged underwater. It was her fault he'd cheated. She slowly walked away from him, not having enough energy to run. Later, tears would come. But right now, she was gutted. Her bones ache, her heart ripped apart.

That had been a day ago. He'd been cheating on her for their entire relationship. The doorbell rang. She didn't answer. Go away, she thought. But then it rang again. And again. Sighing, Nene reached the door handle. It would distract her from the endless pain for a few minutes, at least. Opening it, She found Tsukasa, Mei, Amane, Akane, Aoi, and Mitsuba waiting at it. Aoi reached her friend first, letting Nene cry on her shoulder. She wanted to sob so badly. She didn't deserve them. And yet, they'd all showed up, to comfort her. Amane whispered something to his twin and Akane, and they nodded. They went out the door, and smiled at Nene, clearly trying to cheer her up. Amane took a step closer to her.

"I know you wouldn't want to be anywhere near a man, but we are all here for you. Always." Nene didn't respond, only sank down a bit in Aoi's arms a bit. But she made eye contact with him, and he smiled at her. She grabbed his hand. Holding on for just long enough to tell him she was so thankful for him and her friends. He exited, and Aoi and Mei stayed behind to comfort Nene. Mei painted a picture of Akoi for Nene to throw darts at, while Aoi helped her friend clean herself up. She'd heal. With her friends beside her, Nene would heal.

2 months later

Nene walked the halls, walking up to Amane, Aoi, and Akane who were having a conversation together. "You good, Nene-chan?" asked Amane.

"Yes, I still haven't bumped into you-know-who." she replied tiredly. She'd made progress, but these things took time.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" asked Amane. She nodded. Her friends split up, each heading to their classes. He pulled her around the corner of an empty hallway. He stood kinda close to her, but she didn't feel uncomfortable, like when other males stood near her.

"I know that a man isn't the answer to your problems, and I'm not trying to be . . . But I love you. And I won't force anything on you, or do anything you don't want to-" Nene felt tears running down her cheeks. She couldn't believe it. And-- she trusted Amane. She knew he'd been her friend long before he'd gotten feelings for her. And she loved him back. He wouldn't fix her problems, and she didn't need a man to fix them for her. But Amane . . .

He would always be at her side, her right hand, her love. She pressed her lips against his gently. He softly kissed her back, still scared of coming off aggressively on Nene. Nene, however, accepted their relationship. If Amane was letting her guide the kiss, she would. She deepened this kiss, much to Amane's surprise and happiness, pushing her tongue into his mouth--

"Nene?!" She turned around, away from Amane's red face, to find Akoi, hand in hand with his new girl, gaping at her.

She felt Amane slip his hand into hers. The gesture reminded her of her own strength. "Hello, Akoi-- you've ruined the moment. Move along."

Addressing the new girl, an underclassman like herself, and said, "Hey, it's not too late to run. Stay away from this one." Then, not caring if they were still watching, Nene slants her mouth over Amane's, who comes alive, deepening this kiss, but still trying to be heartbreakingly gentle with her.

She pushes against him, signaling she's alright, fingers sliding into her hair. He smiles against her mouth, puts his hands on her waist, and slides his tongue into her mouth. When they finally pull back, panting, both Akoi and the girl are gone. She smiles at Amane. He will travel with her wherever she goes. The thought alone makes her slide her hands back into his hair, bringing his face closer to hers.

A/N: @QueenOfNewfypoos basically wrote and edited this one. I mean, I helped, but not a lot. XD 

I'm not sure if I'm going to make it to the 18th . . . I need to know what happens ASAP!!!

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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