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A/N: This has implied lemon, plus a spicy kiss!  (Also, please enjoy my picture of Nene in her blue dress-- it's from TRATR:TS) 

"Welcome to Kamome Academy's 30th annual Field Day! Today we'll be having competitions ranging from archery to running to swimming, and all with prizes, so make sure you sign up!"

Nene looked at the large speaker. "Akane-kun's doing the announcements again?"

"He's really good at them!" Aoi smiled. Nene laughed.

"Don't let him hear you say that-- otherwise he'll get a big head about it."

"Hello, ladies~"

Nene groaned. As if on cue, an arm wrapped around her waist.

"What do you want, Amane?" she asked. Aoi covered her mouth and laughed quietly.

"Just to say hi to my favorite daikon." The amber-eyed boy smirked. "So, hi!"

"Amane-kun, what races are you entered in?" Aoi asked.

"The only one with a prize worth winning."

"And what would that be?" Mitsuba asked, coming up from behind them. "Something pervy?"

"What are you doing here?" Amane frowned.

"It's my school too. So, what race did you enter?" Mitsuba crossed his arms over his chest.

With the arm that wasn't around Nene, Amane took the girl's hands and helped them tightly. "Just the 100-meter dash."

100 meter . . . why does that sound familiar?

"What's the prize?" Nene asked. Amane smirked.

"You seriously don't know?" Nene shook her head.

"Wait, Amane-kun, wasn't that prize c-changed?" Aoi asked, suddenly concerned.

Aoi remembered what she had jokingly asked Akane to make the prize be. But he would have changed it, right? There's no way--

"I don't know what you're talking about," Amane grinned. "But the 1st place prize is a kiss from Yashiro."

That was when Nene fainted.



"Huh? Daikon-senpai--"

"Um, Senpai?"

Kou had been walking behind Nene when she fainted. So she ended up in his arms, bridal-style.

Amane gave the boy a death glare.

"Kid, give me Yashiro. You'll drop her--"

"No way! You'll flip her skirt or something!" Kou blinked. "Wait, what happened?"

Aoi gave Kou a quick relay of everything while Amane took Nene from Kou.

"I'm taking Yashiro to the infirmary," Amane announced. He quickly walked away, not giving the group a chance to respond.

Amane arrived quickly at the infirmary. He placed a wet washcloth on Nene's forehead.

"I don't know whether you fainted from shock or joy," he laughed quietly. "But I'm going to win that kiss. And, since you're asleep," Amane leaned forward and gently kissed her cheek. "I love you, Yashiro."

He stood to grab a cup of water.

As soon as he was out of the room, Nene's eyes flew open. Her cheeks were covered in blush.

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