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Notice me, Horton. Horton, together, we could be great! Oh, notice me, Horton!

Those were the lyrics playing in Hanako's mind. Nene had played him the song once, saying how crazy it was to have a character who didn't notice how much another was in love with them. Nene had laughed at the character's obliviousness.

But . . . Nene herself was oblivious.

Why can you see it?

Hanako had almost shouted at her. She never saw how much he loved her, even after everything he'd done.

He hugged her, flirted with her, even kissed her cheek. Everything short of confessing.

How could she not see?

"Hanako-kun!" Nene hurried into the bathroom. "Did you know that today is--"

"Valentine's Day, yes, I know." Hanako sighed as Nene frowned.

"Are . . . are you okay?" Nene asked. Hanako forced a smile.

"Yeah. Anyway, are there any boys to plan on confessing to? Today's the day to do it," Hanako hinted. Nene smiled.

"I'm going to confess to Minamoto-senpai today!" Hanako felt the smile drop off his face. Nene didn't notice. "Maybe he'll--"

"Yashiro, isn't there anyone else?" he tried again. Nene considered it.

"I might confess to Subaru-kun . . ."

"Anyone else?!" Hanako practically shouted. Nene cocked her head.

"No, I don't think--" Her eyes widened. "Ohhhh. I know what you mean."

Hanako's eyes lit up. "Y-you do?"

"Of course!" Nene laughed. "Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Fuji-kun!"

The two were silent for a moment.

"Screw it."

Hanako quickly trapped Nene in a kabedon against one wall. She squeaked as Hanako pinned her arms against the wall. "H-Hanako-kun?!"

"Yashiro, I--" Hanako blushed. Then he sighed. "Never mind." Before Nene could ask what he was going to say, Hanako leaned forward, bringing the girl into a kiss.

Nene blushed, but didn't fight back.

The bathroom door flew open. "S-senpai? And Hanako!?" Without pulling away, Hanako sent his haku-joudai towards the door, pushing Kou out. The Haku-joudai locked the door to keep Kou out.

Nene blushed harder as Hanako deepened the kiss, and even harder when he released one of Nene's hands to play with her hair.

When he finally pulled away, both the apparition and his assistant were flushed red.

"Yashiro, I love you," Hanako mumbled. Nene's eyes widened.

"W-wait, l-like, for r-real?" she asked. Hanako laughed quietly.

"Yes, for real."


Hanako released her, stepping away. Nene didn't move from the wall. Hanako just stared at his shoes.

"I love you too." Hanako's head shot up.


"I said, I love you too." Nene played with a strand of her hair. "I didn't say anything . . . because I was worried that you didn't like me . . . a-and--"

"Yashiro, are you crying?!" Hanako asked, concerned. Nene wiped her eyes. She was indeed crying.

"I-I'm just s-so happy you like me b-back . . ." Hanako pulled Nene into a hug.

"If you'd just said that a month ago, this would have been a whole lot less awkward."

"But t-today is Valentine's D-day! That's e-extra romantic . . ."

Hanako laughed. "Yeah, I guess it is."


The song mentioned at the start is "Notice Me, Horton" from Seussical the Musical. It's a really good song.

I'm running out of ideas for oneshots. I love writing them, but I need requests (please!). 

Also: The animated short for Venting is out! I've added it as an external link(which you can see at the bottom the of page), but you can also access it on my Scratch page. My username is Pae23. :)

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~~

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