CROWN (Part 3)

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Don't worry, it's the final part. :) Also, shoutout to @-sunflower_rain- for being super enthusiastic. 😄 

"What are you doing?" Nene hissed. Amane smirked.

"Were you just gonna happily marry my brother?" he quietly asked. Nene blushed and shook her head.


"Thank you all for coming," an attendant said. Nene didn't recognize her; the girl had blue eyes and messy braids. "Today, we're celebrating the marriage of these two."

Nene blushed as the entire hall set their gazes on her and Amane. She couldn't help but look away.

Suddenly, Amane slid her hand into his and entwined their fingers. Of course, he did this under a table, so no one could see.

Nene glanced quickly at him, trying to stop the fluttering feeling in her chest. Even if his entire plan failed, at least Amane would be there with her, if only as a friend.

That thought alone gave her a star of hope she mentally held onto. She bit her lip nervously. Her world slowed as the girl gave a comforting nod in Nene's direction.

Then she offered Nene a small bowl of water. Nene took it.

"Now, for the purification process," the girl narrated.

Nene had been directed specifically on what to do for this part. Holding the bowl out to Amane, she watched as he rinsed his hands in the clear water. Once he was done, Amane took the bowl from her and held it as Nene cleaned her hands.

Amane then set the bowl on the table in front of them, signifying they were done. The girl smiled.

Gesturing with one hand, she summoned a blonde man from the gathered crowd. He approached the table, and Nene quickly recognized him.

Teru Minamoto-- head of the Minamoto family, and owner of the Minamoto Church. Nene admitted to liking him in the past, but that crush was long forgotten.

He knelt before Amane and Nene and began to pray for a long and happy marriage. Nene didn't pay him much attention, though, because she was still slightly terrified of what would happen if Amane was caught impersonating his brother.

Once he was done, Teru stood and bowed. Then he walked back towards the crowd.

The girl quickly pulled out three small cups from who-knows-where, and placed them on the table with the bowl.

Nene followed Amane's example and grabbed one of the cups.

"San-san-ku-do is a tradition that can't be forgotten," the girl said. She nodded and Amane and Nene, and they both took a sip of each of their cups.

Then they exchanged cups and drank from them. Once she was finished, Nene reached for the third and final cup. She took a sip and swallowed, then passed it to Amane. He repeated the action.

Once they were done, the girl moved the cups from Nene's line of vision and produced two small metal things. Nene didn't realize what they were until Amane took her hand.

But that didn't stop her from letting him slide the ring on her finger. She blushed as he placed a matching one on his own hand.

"Now, what's that thing they say?" The girl said, frowning. "'You may kiss the bride', or something like that? Oh well. You guys are married now, so congrats."

Amane wasted no time in cupping Nene's cheek and pulling her into a kiss.


"That's not true!" The child shouted, jumping up. Her father blinked, having been caught off guard.

"It is!" Amane insisteted. "If you'd like, we can ask your uncle about it. After all, he's the one that came up with the plan."

"He is?" Nene asked, sticking her head into the room.

Amane's eyes widened. He hadn't realized that his wife was there.

"Well, I mostly came up with it. He just helped."

Nene just laughed and rolled her eyes. "Mhh-hmm, sure." She stepped into the room and picked up her daughter. "But your father's telling the truth; he really did pretend to be Tsukasa."

"Mommy, I think you're crazy."

"Aimi, don't say that!" Amane chided his 5-year-old. Nene giggled as Aimi stuck her tongue out at Amane.

"Alright, it's time for you to go to bed." Nene carried her daughter down the hall of the castle and to her room.

"Good night, Mommy. Good night, Daddy."

Amane kissed her forehead. "Good night."

Nene smiled. "Good night."

"We love you."


Yeah, the end was a little rushed. XD 


I'm trying to settle into my new house, and I end up sick. FLICK

I still don't feel great. But I wanted to give you peeps a chapter, so forgive me if it looks bad. <3

Stay safe and healthy! (For real-- being sick sucks)

~~ Author-chan ~~

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