BIKING (Part 2)

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"Hanako-kun, are you ready to go?"

Hanako had told her that he had an hour for biking on Friday (which it now was), and that the rest of the Wonders (plus Tsukasa) were also coming, but nothing else.

And he certainly hadn't told her the price.

"Yes, let's go!"

Kamome Academy had bikes on-campus that they were going to borrow.

Nene had asked, and it seemed that Hanako was the only Wonder who didn't know how to ride a bike. Tsuchigomori had learned as a child, and he had taught Yako. Shijima had already known, and Akane had been taught by Aoi(he called it the best experience of his life). Kou taught Mitsuba, and No. 6 wasn't coming. No one really knew how Tsukasa had learned.

"Hanako-kun, how are you actually going to leave the school?" Nene asked. Hanako sighed.

"Funny story, actually--" The school bell rang, making Nene jump.

Hanako floated to the ground as the rest of the Seven Wonders (minus No. 6) walked up to them.

Nene stared in shock at the ghost as he slowly solidified. His clothing changed too, until he was wearing a short-sleeved blue button down shirt, his hat disappearing. He was dressed like Kou.

Nene watched the same thing happen to Mitsuba and Tsukasa, and she starred as Yako's fox ears disappeared. Nothing visible happened to Tsuchigomori, Shijima, or Akane, but Nene was sure it was basically the same thing.

"You're all human . . ." she mumbled. Hanako hugged her.

He's warm.

"You can call me Amane," he smiled. Nene laughed.

"Amane-kun, this is amazing." Nene smiled.


It was a short bike ride to the grass path that was the group's destination. Nene had packed a picnic lunch, and Amane had never been so excited to eat. But first, the group biked to a clearing in the middle of the path.

"Wow, this is beautiful!" Mitsuba mused. "I mean, not as pretty as me, but still." He began snapping photos.

Amane laughed. "No. 3--"

"Call me Mitsuba."

"Mitsuba-kun?" Amane tried. "Hmm, sounds odd, but sure."

"A-and, um, Amane-kun?" Nene asked. Amane turned to her. "Y-you can call me Nene-- if y-you want!" she added quickly. Amane smiled and hugged her.

"Alright, Nene-chan." Nene blushed as Amane laughed.

"Get a room, you two," Yako sighed.

"I keep telling her we should, but Nene-chan just keeps turning me down--"

"Noooo thanks," Nene pulled out of Amane's arms. "Who's hungry?"

She pulled out sandwiches and passed them around. Amane devoured his. "Hey, you're a good cook," he said. Nene laughed and leaned towards him.

"You have some crumbs here--" She swiped her finger along the boy's cheek. Amane caught her wrist and kissed her palm.

Nene erupted in blush. "A-Amane!"

Tsukasa coughed something that sounded uncannily like 'price'. Amane blushed and stood, not releasing Nene's wrist. He pulled her up. "We'll be right back."

Before she could protest, Amane pulled Nene down the trail a little further.

"Amane, where are we--'' Amane spun around, cutting her off. Before she could move, he had her kabedoned against a near-by tree. Her wrists were pinned above her head. "Amane?!"

"You wanted to know the price for all this," Amane said. "But I haven't payed it yet."

"W-what's the p-price?" Nene stammered. Amane smiled.


He leaned forward, towards Nene. Amane kissed her. Nene blushed.

When he pulled away, Nene was still blushing.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Nene blinked.


"We better go back to the others." Amane placed one arm around Nene's waist, his other holding one of her hands.

When they arrived, Nene was still flushed red. The other Wonders noticed immediately.

"Nene-chan, are you okay?" Akane asked.

"I think Crazy Knife did something perverted to Radish-senpai!" Mitsuba exclaimed.

"Amane's always been a pervert. What did he do, Yashiro-san?" Tsuchigomori asked. Nene blushed harder as Amane hugged her tighter.

"I didn't do anything!"

"Uh, guys?" Tsukasa asked. The group looked at him. "I think your hour's up."

Nene had noticed that Amane had been slowly getting colder, giving off less heat.

"You're turning back into Hanako-kun . . ." Nene mused, inspecting Amane's hand. He laughed.

"I'm still Hanako, even if I'm alive, and I'm still Amane, even if I'm a ghost. And, Yashiro--" He kissed her one more time. "Whether I'm alive or dead, I still love you."

Nene blushed harder as the Wonders disappeared. She assumed they had returned to the school.

"They're gone . . ."

This is going to be awkward on Monday . . .


If it's not obvious, this part of the story takes place on a Friday.

Hey, my first 2-part oneshot! What did you guys think? 

I'm (hopefully) going to be adding more to The Letter, The Rose, and The Note, so make sure to read that!

Stay safe and healthy!

~~ Author-chan ~~

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