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Well, it's a long story
My disappearance, I mean
I'm really sorry

(apology haiku? please enjoy this office-style romance :)

"I'm sorry, Yashiro-san. You didn't get it."

"Aaaaand it's all his fault!" Nene cried, slurring her words. Aoi watched her gulp down another drink, concerned.

"But what did Amane-san do, Nene?"

"Heeeee took the jooooob! It was gonna be mine!" Her magenta eyes, worn out from working on her computer late into the night, turned teary. "I worked for yeeears!"

"Nene, I think you're drunk."

"Nooo, he's drunk. Drunk on power!"

Aoi stood up, pulling her friend up with her. "Look, Nene. I know you wanted that promotion, and I know Amane-san hasn't worked here as long as you. But there's always next year."

"Take me home, Aoi," Nene mumbled, her head falling onto her friend's shoulder.

Aoi sighed and led her friend away from the restaurant after paying the bill.


"Yashiro. How far have you gotten with the report over the budget for the DFL project?"

Nene's head snapped up from its very comfortable position on her laptop keyboard. Her temples throbbed, but at least she wasn't hungover. "Yugi-san?!"

Amane smiled at her. "I thought I told you to just call me Amane."

Nene dropped her gaze to the floor. "I-it's not polite in a workplace..."

"Oh? Is the location an issue?" Amane's hand cupped Nene's face, his cool fingers making Nene blush. "Would you rather I show you to my house?" His voice dropped as he leaned in, a smirk making its way over his face. "Or, perhaps, you'd have the most interest in seeing my bed--"

"RIGHT, THAT REPORT." Nene jolted away and pivoted towards her computer, body flushing.

It wasn't uncommon for Amane to flirt with her constantly, and Nene really didn't mind when she wasn't trying to work. But working on a report and being hit on didn't exactly work well together.

She pulled up the draft. "It should be almost finished..."

"Almost?" Amane sighed disappointedly, leaning away. "Yashiro, you said I could trust you to get that finished. What happened?"

"I can!" Nene told her, annoyed. What right did this guy have to flirt with her and then demand a report? "You've just, uh, been distracting me!"

Amane's expression immediately let Nene know she had said the wrong thing. "Really, Yashiro?" His voice dropped to a purr. "You find me distracting?"

Nene pushed her away. The ravenette was really starting to get on her nerves, no matter how many breath-taking grins he flashed at her. Nene sighed. "Lemme finished the report, okay?"

Amane laughed and stepped away. "Get that turned in to me by your lunch break, okay?"

Nene's face flushed again when Amane turned back to her at the door and blew a kiss. "See you~"

Then he was gone.

Just another day in the life of Nene Yashiro: getting her promotion stolen, turning in reports, and getting flirted with by her hot--uh, annoying boss.



Amane flinched away from the flash drive in his face. "What?"

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